Day By Day

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

wow....ive posted alot tonight

im bored okay? haha okay so arthur is upset with me because im not into him and he kept being like "what girl would dance with me..." and so on and so i just told him hes a good friend but we dont really have a chance but we can still have fun and then he said that ill be too busy with henry...whoosh hes behind lol and then koler texted me and said that he talked to my mom and that she said happy bday(which is the 11th) and said she will get him a present...and he asked me to tell her to not get him a present because it would be akward. Then we had a short little convo and he said he loves my family and i said my bro is having trouble letting go of him and he said "he wasnt the one letting go...bye" and i think he got upset but i wished him well and that was that. And now im texting henry...which i havent in forever. okay im gonna go xoxo torrreeyyy

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