Day By Day

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Homecoming Dance!

Oh just think...this time last night we were all completely absorbed in the crazy dance of 2010 Homecoming.  Although only one of us had someone specific to go with, I think overall we managed to have a great time!  It was hot and crammed and the music was absolutely blasting.  What isn't there to love!?
In middle school, we had always all gotten ready together.  But things were a little different this time around.  There wasn't any last minute dress exchanging, nobody had a melt-down because of their outfit, and there wasn't a mom to curl our hair.  We all just threw on a tank top and jeans and were ready to dance the night away!
Of course, when you first arrive, there's always that ten minutes when you just have to get over the akwardness that becomes apparent.  A few of us who had gotten together before tried to avoid that by arriving 15 minutes after it started...but it still started like they always do.  After that, your guard goes down, and you are from then on absorbed.  I don't remember much, because it was the same thing for 3 hours.  Dance, water break, find your way back into the moshpit, and repeat. There weren't any slow dances which was fine with me! They don't really accomplish much, especially when you have no one to slow dance with.  When the final song played, I  was sad.  By the end everyone's having a great time...atleast I know we were!
Caroline Mackie and I went back to Mac's house and ate teriyaki rice bowls.  It was quite enjoyable:)  Caroline zonked out the second her head hit the pillow but Mackie and I stayed up till 3ish talking about...all sorts of stuff.  We covered alot of ground now that I think about it!
The feeling is mutual between the five of us that homecoming was a blast.  Not just the dance, but everything. Toga day, the football game even though we lost, the bonfire, it was a great kick off to a new journey.  We're already a month into it, too.  

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