Day By Day

Monday, October 25, 2010

not sad...but definitely not happy either.

I have been deprived of the blog! haven't been on in atleast 5 days.  Caroline...congrats. you are no longer a blog virgin. HA.
Mackie? what were the options ur parents were giving you? say it here.  it seems like things are safe when they are spoken of on here.
im very sorry that laser tag didn't work was rainy and a bit cold anyway.
umm what else do i have to comment on?... oh yes that night after church was so lovely. church was also rather loverly:) hoes hoes and broken hoes! after we layed on a rather uncomfortable rock and watched the moon and talked and laughed.  i love you guys all SO much. 
It's agreed...friends are the most important thing:)
well i told brickface (nathan) that i didn't like him anymore because i didn't want him to think i did...haha duh. but i feel mean and terrible because caroline keeps tellin me all this stuff he's saying about how sad  he is and all this stuff and it makes me terribly regret telling him.  ughhhhh. i didn't like him! what was a supposed tooo doo?:( i think i did the right thing?
so here's a delightful subject change for you...we got like 10 inches of snow on the mountain today!!! it snowed ALL DAY LONG and i'm so FREAKING EXCITED!!! skiing is one thing i will always be excited for:) no matter what!!!!!!
well i love you all to death. absolutely unconditionally and always will. 
PS the colors have no relevance...just stuff i thought needed a different color than purple :P

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