Day By Day

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Boys guys boys guys and boys who act like men.

Actually...I just called it that because really all this is about is boys! So I'll start off with the beginning of my day! History sucked because the only boy that is in our grade is Trevor and he's the only guy in the whole class whotalks. And he never even talks much! Yeah that's how sucky it is. Okay so 2nd period is when all the stuff started. Mackidoodles told me that Henry thinks I'm sending him mixed signals and he feels like im leading him on...even though I guess that's just my nature. Sad I know. So I felt really bad about that so I wrote him a letter (Henry and I write long notes to each other every day) and I told him how i love him but not like the way you love some one when you go out with them. I don't know if that made sense but basically it's what I said earlier in ona my blogs about him. I said it really sweetly rto him though and I was scared he would be upset with me but he's not haha. So anyway it's on to tanner and mackie! I witnessed them hugging under the moonlight and couldn't stop taking mental pictures! They mAke my life amazing hahah I can't get over it. So today after crosscountry mozi and mackie died. Purposely. Yes we killed them willingly. We being me and mackidoodles. We ended it and then he was being confuzzling but I think he took it okay. And someday he will be happy he let mackie and tanner be together! So right now we are listening to the best day by Taylor swift and I like it:) I don't actually know if I like henry or not. I mean I totally don't miss koler but I think my body is going through withdrawal anyway just because he's not there...even though I don't want him there. But since then I have kinda been sensitive and Henry always makes me so happy even if he's just sitting there. I don't know if j like him or not because I have the wierdest feelin about it. I just love him as a buddy fo sho but idk what would happen if I went out with that's why I'm not planing on it. I'm just going to treat him as a buddy as usual for awhile because I don't feel like having a guy anyway. Okay I'm gonna go because my hands hurt holding this iPod haha love ya sweetie pumpkin pies!( I made that up tonight at the volleyball game)! Sleep tight don't let the bedbugs bite and if they do smash them with a shoe til they turn black and blue!!!!!! Xoxo torreyyyyyy!:) to be continued...;p

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