Day By Day

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Okay so i learned alot more about scott and i had nightmares last night and ive thrown up 3 times and i cry all the time. I dont know whats wrong with me, i mean i know im scared for him, but the story is so unreal i feel like im in a nightmare. And now im crying again. All of scotties little brothers are spending today and tonight with me at my house, and then switching out with the wolds too for the next couple weeks...or longer. I dont know if i should tell everyone this but here it goes.  Just guys, for now, since the family doesnt really want everyone to know yet, please spare everyone else the details...including your parents because we dont want anything spreading. So ummmm they are all really hurt.  The crash was super scary and gory and help didnt come for about 30 minutes after the crash happened. It was purely an accident.  Scott was driving and he just got his permit friday. His dad and kevin duff were also in the car and all 3 got ejected.  I now know all of the injuries and how the crash happened. But if you really want to know call me later or something.  But it seriously is like something out of a movie...its so unreal.  The good thing is that all are alive.  Scott and Bill are doing okay, but kevin duff is doing really badly. Bill and Kevin had to be airlifted to Great Falls, and Scott took the ambulance.  Luckily, my dad bought a little 4 seater private airplane for sharron and she left from whitefish and got to great falls in 35 minutes, right when scott arrived to the hospital which saved her from driving for 4 hours.  Ashley Wold drove down for Sharrons support, and my mom may fly up to Great Falls from Kentucky. All 3 of the guys have to have surgery and will be down there for probably 2 weeks, and it will be a while til they can even be in a wheel chair.  So during those couple weeks, the kahle boys will be at my house and the wolds house and they only know that there was an accident and everyone is going to be okay.  Im going to go down and visit scotty around his birthday on the 13th.  Doug Reed was also with the 3 guys, but in his own car, and he witnessed the crash.  So Nikki Reed (our english teacher) also drove down there, so she may or may not be at school monday.  Umm im sure scott wouldnt like anyone really texting him or anything to say they are sorry, knowing him, hes not the gushy type...but just keep him in our hearts and minds.  Also, dont press any of the family for details, even though i know you guys wouldnt:) So thats what my weekend was like.  I made varsity again in crosscountry, and i beat my best time by 36 seconds.  After that i was on my way to henrys house to hang with him and tanner and hayden and stella, but half way there my dad got the call from sharron, and she said that bill, scott, and kevin had been found 5 minutes ago on the side of the road and they had had an accident and they were being airlifted to greatfalls from conrad.  We turned right around and went and did everything to arrange and help sharron get over there and i was just there as her support, although after a while i couldnt handle all the stress anymore and i walked to mackies house.  We then made cookies and had a wonderful time:p Then, however, i got a killer headache so i went home and went straight to sleep, while my dad took care of the kahle boys at the wold house.  I slept til 11:30 pm and woke up with the phonecall telling me the injuries and all the details.  Thats when  i threw up.  Then i talked to erin (she called me)about scott and told her all the details and after that i threw up again.  Then i went back to sleep and my dad came home around 12:30 am from the wolds house and told me even more about what was going on right now.  I  then threw up again.  I know, its gross. So thats why i spared you guys the details. Thats about it. Im so tired too! Yesterday was such a stressful day, changed just by one phonecall. 
Mackie i think you should choose tanner.  I mean, mozi is nice and super funny (and in our gym class) but he just isnt that great of a boyfriend. I guess erin went out with him, but they never lasted long, and anyway you would be way cute with tanner! I love tanner haha and hes super nice and super funny and he would probably be a really sweet boyfriend.  Thats what i think:) And just to make you aware, mozi is short! That would be wierd. I mean if you really like him height shouldnt matter, but to help you decide between would say go with the tall non-pot head:p no offense to mozi.
Alrighty girls, ill talk to you later:) i love you all! and seriously you guys need to be posting more! Random stuff! i feel alone being the only one who posts all the time (mackie you do too). So xoxo torrey

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