Day By Day

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

****cant think of a title****

yeah so, ummm,, things are fairly weird right now. i dont even know why... its just weird. it kinda feels like its not me living, like im just watching someone else live my life. weirdness, i know. can i just say that i love henry sooo freaking much? seriously, he is my favorite guy ever. so anyway, moving on, yeah, so short version, my parentalss, gave me some options and i have to decide by the end of the week. option one: switch schools.... either cfalls, glacier, or flathead. option two: get on  a fast track and graduate three semesters early, so skip half of junior, and senior year, and go to college early. or option three: go on foreign exchange junior year. I am thinking option three... im pretty sure thats what im gonna do. so yeah, i guess my parents know that i dont want to live at their house anymore. maybe if they werent so overpowering, things would be different. but they are, so things are what they are. and now im just listening to music and pondering. also, i think the real reason i dont want to go to the dance is because i dont want to deal with tanner. either, he will be with heather the whole time, or their is gonna be some  kinda awkward confrontation that wont be fun for any of us. so better i just dont go, and then pretend that nothing is happening. oblivion is the safest route at this point. so yeah, but i just dont think i want to, or could deal with that. so yeah, im saying so yeah a lot iin this blog, anyways, i still like him, but not enough to cause anything in the middle of a dance... so ANTI-DANCE HERE I COME!  haha so yeah, i love you all to deathers!
peace in the middle east(i love shaycarl)

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