Day By Day

Thursday, October 21, 2010

News, news, and kisses

JUST IN: So some recent knews on scotty.............
So you all heard that the road they were driving on was nicely paved and on the side it had a little ditch and then had a little gradual hill to the fields alongside the road. When they crashed, the front corner of the car hit that gradual hill which most likely sent scott and bill through the windshield. Scary i know. The whole front of the car was completely smashed together. When scott was found, the rubber that goes around the windshield was wrapped tightly around scottys body... So people were wondering : what would happen if they had had their seatbelts on? Well if they had their seat belts on they would probably have less brain trauma and scrapes but would have most likely broken their necks and backs and had their legs crushed in the car. Its really scary! I dont know which one i would prefer!! OMIGOSH coming back from church yesterday when we were just pulling out of the parking lot my daddy and i saw this huge fire with lots of smoke coming from it at this house across the highway...and we thought it was a bonfire...but it was so huge we kept looking at it and then this giant spark flew from it like 30 feet and my dad was like omigoshh thats got to be something bad and then we heard the firetruck and ambulance coming!! It was crazy!! So then we thought it was a house fire! I begged my daddy to drive by it so i could see so he turned around and while we were passing we noticed the house was okay but on the front lawn there was a giant fire like the size of 2 school buses!! We didnt  really know what it was but then we figured out it was probably a car fire! It was crazzzzzyyyyyy!!! So yeah thats whats up:p xoox tortorr!

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