Day By Day

Sunday, October 10, 2010

OH Lordy

It's 10:13 and i'm skipping math homework to post. because i hate math. :P but anyway. i was at caroline's when i heard about scott:( her mom told us. and just so you know torrey...i did tell my dad but he's not that kind of person to spread stuff...and that was before you asked us not to say anything. just fyi.  ugh that really really sucks.
mackie...pick tanner. ya mozi's short. but not that just i think tanner's easier to be around and cool. but they're kind of alike in my opinion...same sense of humor:) so pick who you want we will support you!!! ahh but was nathan. i liked nathan. yep. boone. haha now it's out! im not really telling everyone because i don't want like...well crap.  but it's not going anywhere...well it was and now it's kind of at a dead end. he asked me out and i kind of said no? but i liked him and's akwardly complicated. i don't even know the full story. but i don't care if anybody thinks its stupid or weird. cuz it's my decisions. but what we say in the blog stays in the blog please. ( i think that's already been establisshed!)
my weekend was funn! watched forrest play some pretty intense little guy football:D then had lunch wth caroline/holly and me an my mom:) that took like 3 hours! haha it was greaattt. then i ended up sleeping over at her house...and we made our halloween costumes! PS. We will NEVER be toooooooo old to trick or treat. if anyone asks...we're taking our little siblings out with us. i'm hoping all of us are dressing up!?!?! umm and then she and i went to mckenzie river pizzzaa today and had some deliciouso lunch that consisted of lodgepoles and those willowbrook sandwich things. YUM. then we watched cupcake wars and something about how to rennovate yer bathroom. hahaha
you know what angers me?
want to know why they anger me?
it's lame.
PS whoever changed the backround...i'm guessing torrey:) i like it. very much!
PPS i don't like it how all our posts are just getting cluttered on one page. we should put like a page for like those two first posts about us and then a page for random crap

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