Day By Day

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

4 day weeks make my life!

Gosh! Its tuesday(the first day of the school week) and im already pooped! Pooped.....that sounds wierd to say... Anyway, im as tired as ever and crosscountry practice didnt help one bit! It was like 5 miles overall and i never knew 5 miles could feel like 50.  Dont try it.  But running gave me alot of endorphins and now i feel happy haha because really ive been happy when im with people but when im alone i feel like sitting in the corner and eating iceberg lettuce alone and like crying....thats how i feel when im lonely.  I guess after things with Koler ended im having mini-withdrawal and i even miss his late night texts that were always so sweet.  I think its hard for alot of people at school to understand what Koler and i were like together, because no one really knew us outside of school.  But just so if anyone that doesnt know me is reading this(very unlikely BUT LETS BE OPTIMISTIC!), we were really good for each other.  Except for the fact hes a man whore (gonna say it straight out:p) and im the opposite(PRUDE-asaurus...a prude dino for you people who dont think fast), and that his friends are butt heads!!!!!Atleast to me.  But i do miss him no matter who he was.  Haha those who are in french with me, yes its akward but i really dont care. Akwardness doesnt bug me that much lately haha.  So im really excited for this new blog! i hope we all carry through with it all 4 years of highschool:) that would be really  cute...just like us! Till next time cuties;p             
                                                                                        ~xoxo torrey <3
ps. a lady bug landed on my arm today and i flipped out because i thought it was one of those creepy bugs that like eat you (aka. all bugs) but then i saw its redness(hah) and its little polka dots and i picked it up off the ground(where it had fell when i spazzed) and set it on a little green leaf. i hope it had food. it was so cute:) i probably sound like a 4 year old writing this but im kinda in one of those moods...ever feel like that? well i do!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Torrey. If you ever have another day where you want to go sit in a corner and eat iceberg lettuce, please, let me know. I will happily come and assist you in that magical activity.
    Love, Ella
    PS. You just brightened my day with that:)
