Day By Day

Monday, October 4, 2010

Our high school: at a glance

So our high school is a fairly normal one, nothing too exciting. but let me just  give you a little background. To start, the teachers. The science teachers used to be married, but got divorced, but they still have a little thing for each other. which is beyond creepy. They are both pretty strange, and really disorganized. The gym/health teacher is super nice. (and all the guys think shes hot which is weird since she is like 25 years older than them.) The english teacher is nice, but she is very much in the wrong school. She should be teaching second grade. haha no, shes cool. but she does like cheesy little kid games. The math teacher is really weird. He randomly starts yelling about math (i.e. THE ACUTE TRIANGLES ARE CONGRUENT!!!), and he says what like "qwhat" which bugs me. haha The french teacher is really cool. I dont have anything bad to say about her, and the 21st century literacy teacher is really cool too. I dont have him, but Ive heard the history teacherr is really monotone. The orchestra teacher is amazing. She is super disorganized and always late which makes her class a breeze. The band teacher is really tough, so people dont like him because they cant pass his class, but hes actually a really nice guy. Our principle is cool, hes way better than the middle school principle who was extremely controlling, not to mention intimidating.
Then there are the "upperclassmen." Who look down on freshman so much its unbelievable. Well, not all  of them. Some of them are nice, but the majority of them are just stupid, due to the fact that, especially the sophomores, think they are so much better than freshman, when three months ago, they were freshman themselves. I dont understand that. What gives them superiority? I dont think anything does. Are all high schools like that? Or is ours just full of stuck up kids who think they are better than anyone else? Could be. Also, our freshman class has closed campus this year. Which is not cool. All the other classes get open campus as long as their parents sign them off. Oh well, at least all  the freshman have it, so we all just stick together. Looks like thats how this year is gonna be.

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