Day By Day

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Oh jeez. its been a big 24 hours... last night when tor tor left i was so sad:( i seriously started crying and then i couldnt stop and just had this little meltdown. it was not good. but i was having separation anxiety from her! weird, i know. but i got to see scotty, he was sitting in torreys car, and he looked sooo good. seriously wayyy better than i thought he would! so that was very good. and the game was fun cuz i got to see sadie... i started crying when i saw her... last night was a very emotional night for me. but anyway, a lot has been goin on lately! i think all of us are a little frazzled. well at least me, and torrey judging from last night. so, ya, i dont really know what else to say. im exhausted. maybe ill go take a nap... haha i think i will:) bye bye

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