Day By Day

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Well the day started out just dandy.  There wasn't much I was looking forward to...except for hanging out with my freaking AMAZING friends.
 Don't you hate when someone/thing tries to be something it's definitely not? People like Whitefish for what it is...and they won't like it any more with tv's in the lunchroom.  Is it just me or is that pointless?  Mackie, I cannot wait to take some ridiculosly fantastic pictures with you with that ridiculosly fantastic camera.  And Torrey.  I feel for you! Cancer BLOWS.  :( But hopefully he pulls through:) I feel like we should all meet him if he's as fantastic as you say!
School was OK. Henry made me a cd which I was thoroughly looking forward to listening to...and it doesn't work. of course it doesn't work. jeez.  Mackie wore caroline's pants today...and i can assure you she won't be doing that again!! or maybe she will;-)  haha that was fuuuunnnyy. and THEN (why is henry coming up in all our posts?) henry had the audacity to ask me who i like! he figured out...that smart little turd.
SOCCER! haha that was funn. we beat stillwater 6 too 0 it was greeaattt.  I kinda sucked it up...
WELL dinner's ready! i have glee paused...i can't wait to watch it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~ella bella

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