Day By Day

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


it's a word that means balance in your life. i like it. i think i'm going to have to start having more balance. right not balanced. thoughts that do no good for my life have taken over. stupid shit that is pointless to worry about. so i've figured out what's triggering my ongoing slump that i've been trying to ignore. so there's my thoughts of the last...what...week? all summed up for whoever decides to read my post.
Mackie i think it would be really cool to do foreign exchange.  i bet you would absolutely love it)  maybe the five of us should all just leave junior year...and each go to some random down.
im making a blanket. torrey it's going to be what you snuggle with to keep you warm and un-lonely. when you have the will NEVER be lonely cuz it's made with love. 
am i making sense right now?
i don't think so.
this week has been just lovely. just kidding.
halloween better be ridiculosly fun! im still not sure if im gonna go or not (to the dance) because i feeel like i'm to old to go door to door asking for candy right next to all the 3rd graders but i don't know if i wanna go to the dance cuz those are kind of my 2 options at the moment? but we could go to the corn mazee????????????
it bugs me when guys are annoying. if you don't like don't like them and you probably wont. **austin???** (giles) and that goes for arthur too. henry is the only one who gets it. i take that back he's the only GUY who gets it.
i could go on and on....but i better stop

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