Day By Day

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Gossip, lies, revenge, and digital cameras!

Haha ok so none of that is very relevent(except for the camera!) and I just wanted to catch your eyes with that majestic title. So yeah I just purchased this freaking awesome camera. And I am pretty excited about it. It's coming on tuesday. And I will take it to Hawaii:) speaking of hawaii, keep up the act with Henry. I think it's funny. Haha he's so gullible silly boy:) also, Torrey, I have no idea who this "oddball flirter" is. And I would like to know. Now. Immediately.
Ok so who misses Sadie besides me!? Cuz I really do:( and I feel like no one else does. I don't miss Alexa at all though! Haha sorry but it's the truth. I am freaking out about the french test! Oh well I guess we will be fine.! Also....... Mr. Boyle just gets my goat. He makes me so stinking happy. Haha but seriously.
Anywho, tommorrow is a volleyball game and then I am going to make pizzas with Alex. Excitement:) also I have to do a pe makeup:( but torreywoodles is with me! Here we go! Haha gym is hard. Ok! Bye! I'll see you later! Alligator, in a while crocodile! Farewell! Bon voyage! So long! Toodloo! Avedasane goodbye! Tata! Ciao! Until next time. No really, bye. Ok seriously. Goodbye! Sheesh!
~Mack daddy:)

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