Day By Day

Monday, October 11, 2010


Gosh i liked that field trip:p hehe it was fun! and i totally agree! tanner is fun to be around and im more comfortable with him than with mozi...just saying lol but i will support you in whatever you choose:p AND ELLA HENRY TOLD ME hhhaha a little bit ago and i remembered when you guys pretended to like each other and stuff lol and then this time i was like wondering if what henry said was true or not but i guess so:p thats cute haha and i guess its nice you said "no?" lol because now you have time to think and im sure if you still like him he will still be there lol. I love you guys!!!! And mackie tanner really likes you! really likes you! alot! haha ohh i love posting and yes it was me who changed the backround lol coolio! im very random today hah and hyper now after crosscountry! duuudddeeeee i dont think i can go see scotty:( because i cant miss crosscountry practice because i need to go to regionals to go to state. But im pretty sure my moms going down for a week or something and then when scotty comes home hes going to stay with us while sharron stays with bill. Haha im texting tanner right now hint hint i bet you guys cant guess who we are talking about wink wink its pretty deep hint hint about this girl he likes wink wink! if you didnt get that then you guys are stupid and out of the loop! (thats okay i still love you!) I have barely seen caroline like at all! CAROLINE WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! AND YOU PROBABLY ARENT READING THIS BECAUSE YOU HAVENT GONE ON THE BLOG RECENTLY! thats okay haha omigosh im sorry mackie but you and mozi would be akward! and dances!!? and gym??!! totally wierd! it cannot happen...well it can if you are in love but im not seeing it:) well sorry i couldnt hold that in any longer but choose who ya want!:p k i need to go do homework! gossip girl is on tonight just so all you non watchers know! xoxo love ya chica boos, torrey

ps. for all yall wondering...i dont like henry in the way you think. I love him with a love hard to describe haha but hes so cute!!!! But its not the kind of sexual love lol its more of a brotherly love hahah i told you it was hard to describe! I just couldnt go out with him.

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