Day By Day

Thursday, October 28, 2010

cheer up:))

Anyone realize this: we all feel empty, depressed, like we are missing something. Wierd. Maybe we should start a therapy session (joking) this  blog is enough:p so ummm i dont really feel like typing much right now but mackie i know how you feel...about sherpie i mean. I have those same wierd things with koler.  I wonder if he thinks about me as much as i have been thinking about him. Even though theres no way in hell we will ever get back together. (ella you should go to the dance...even for a little just so im not alone...i mean it couldnt hurt to try right? and im not going to trick or treat til 1130 so why not?! i dont even think im going trick or treating because i dont have an outfit...) I feel empty right now though, like only when im alone though...and sometimes 5th and 6th period because i have time to space out and think haha. Well ill try to cheer up! xoox torrey
ps. blankets make my life better;)

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