Day By Day

Sunday, October 17, 2010


I know ella and mackie know, but for the resta you, i was super emotional friday.  Super emotional.  I cried about everything! But then the game cheered me up and mackie and i danced around to old awesome music for some time til my mom came and picked me up! The dancing was fun haha but i was so sad to leave! I feel so alone doing homework!!!! Anyway, scottys doing great and hes eating a little which is good....he just has trouble staying awake.  But we are getting him up and walking a couple times a day and hes doing great:) So right now i have 4 brothers haha and my dad will come back tonight so we will have a 7 person family lol its pretty fun:) I even made french toast this morning for them!  So, crosscountry was great! I was super sad that i couldnt run and actually started crying again as i was recording 1st and 2nd mile times, but atleast no one was there to see me breakdown:p So that was a bummer but atleast i went and cheered and got to see my team! You will never believe this, but whitefish won overall for the girls and for the boys!!!! Two big trophies! Whitefish won divisionals!!! Hollah for the beastliest school ever!!! Anyway, that was fun and henry and i were bus buddies as always haha and we talked about our "relationship" and stuff....and we decided to just be chill and have fun with each other because we really dont know how we feel right now:p so dont expect us to have a thing or anything anytime soon:) and im actually really happy because hes one of the only guys i can really be super myself around and just have fun with him just wanting to do the same and not wanting to turn it into something bigger. I kinda love it. Anyway, another relationship is  not what i need right now:) So mackie, hows tanner? OMIGOSH on the bus knoxy was like " i miss pheebs" and it was so cute! he didnt run either because his quad hurts so i wasnt alone hahah.  So i listened to a recording of him and his bro singing the song the most beautiful girl with each was on big knoxs ipod. It was so good!!!!!!!! So if my hip gets better im going to go to state with crosscountry as an alternate...i would have gone as the number 6 runner but since i couldnt run this last meet i got moved down. I hope my hip does get better fast though. Alrighty tighty girlys, i love ya and ill probably post later today if i feel like it...or not hahah xoxo chica boos ~torrey<3

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