Day By Day

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Last day of soccer:*( it was fun! gosh that went by quickly! We only lost one game the entire season which makes me happy:)
 OHH sorry dearies i didn't have my phone tonight so i wasn't apart of the scott conference call. maybe tmrw night?
I'm kind of confused...erin's mad because she isn't apart of this blog? is that what's wrong? maybe we shud just stop talking about it at school...I can tell simone's kind of annoyed by it too.
Mackie im sorry you're caught up in this dilema! I don't think it's going to ruin your and mozi's frienship tho...i think he'll be able to move on unlike some guys who get attached and can't let go...hmmm i wonder who that coule be?!
I personally have no juicy details about my life to add here.  Sorry to dissapoint. 
Off to do some conjuguemos!

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