Day By Day

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Mackie why do you have to decide so soon? And wait....what happened that made like this such a big deal? I mean like why dont you want to live at their house anymore.  I mean i dont want to live with my parents sometimes but im just confused. Anyway i think if you want to go to the dance then go, like i said in my last post, its your life, so do what you want to make you happy. It wont hurt anyone. Im in a wierd mood. Depressed still kinda...especially when im the by 6th period i feel sooooo wierd!! I was riding kempen today in kalispell at her barn and i looked outside and it was dark and the lights were shining on the gate and all down the road and the sky was so pretty and i just felt really alone. Like i wanted to share it with someone so bad. Just like snuggle with someone warm and know that they love me. It was a really different feeling than normal, and maybe ive been so emotional because i feel alone. Even though i know i shouldnt. So yeah ive got alot of homework to do but hopefully someday my life wont be so freaking confusing. xoxo torrey:/

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