Day By Day

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Grandpa You Never Had...And The One You Wish You Did + Blue Boots

Today was fun. I hate ex-boyfriends.  They always tell your secrets.  Especially to the guy who is secretly flirting with you but acts like your  best friend even though you think its weird he flirts and wouldnt want him any more than a friend.  Yeah, now that odd-ball-flirting-wanna-be-friend hates me.  Actually is just really disappointed and that sucks!  I dont like it when people are disappointed in me.  But whatever, its totally gonna work out BECAUSE IMA GENIUS!!! I want new ugg boots! Mackie, i know, you are probably gonna be like "TORREY!!! You are so shallow! You dont need ugg boots!!!!!!" hahah and thats why i love you! I just WANT them. Light blue ones:) thats not a bad thing though!  I probably wont get them anyway parents arent THAT easy.  So my grandpa is in Texas right now getting chemotherapy, and my dad is with him. I know! Its so sad! I love my grandpa! My grandma is a loonie(cute though) but my grandpa floats everyones boats! Yeah haha hes that cool. So i hope it all goes well:) Dont you hate when someones like in pain or suffering or something but you dont feel affected by it? Like im not sad or worried or anything right now for my grandpa.  I mean i dont want him to die of course! But im not depressed or anything! And it makes me feel bad...but when hes gone(which he will never be) i will notice how much i miss him.  Its exactly like the saying "You dont know what you got til its gone" even though i speak with the correct grammar. Right that seem, dont it?! Jkjk i dont actually talk like that. But still, my grandpas the bomb(the nuclear one!) and hes old and so funny so if he goes im gonna be sad:( Anyway, now that you guys understand how cool my grandpa was....lets move on. I dont really write about one topic...i feel like rambling about my day. Omigosh i need to watch glee! Here i come hulu! Bye guys haha have fun on homework!:p I only have math and french! Nifty!
                                                                                             ~xoxo torrey<3

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