Day By Day

Thursday, October 7, 2010

I love lunch!

I miss sadie too mackidoodles! UGH I WANT YOUR CAMERA!!!! hahah you better take a picture of me on it! (cue the singing angels!) Ella you really should tell me who you like! PLEASE! Anyone but me getting super annoyed with erin???????? If you arent then maybe ive been in a bitchy mind mood lately but thats rare so someone help me! Henry(wow we are mentioning him alot) asked me about the blog today!!!! He wouldnt stop bugging me but dont worry I didnt tell him a thing...he says hes going to find it by googling it...good luck with that! Wow school sucks sometimes, especially when you do p.e. makeup work (piper and mackidoodles made it worthwhile...ish) and then miss your lunch which makes you extra hungry all day and then you stuff your face with food before crosscountry practice and then have a side ache the whole time!! However, today was a karma workout and i have amazing karma and barely had to run! (well 14 200's, but thats not bad compared to some other people). Omigosh 62 through 64 were supa hard on math and i stared at them for ever and then asked my dad for help and figured out how fricking simple they were! Hes a genius! I love him! Football game tomorrow night right?! Everyone better be going if there is!:p Babes i love you guys:)

                                                              ~xoxo torrey<3
           ps. Ella i would love to know...i dont tell secrets! i sound like a 4th grader saying that haha everyone here should know that our groupie is good at secrets:p Anyway, you should tell! And henry said he may tell me who he likes when he figures out if he really likes them enough that it will last. God my brain is bursting with excitement for both of you! Ellas the only lucky one in this world....she knows the answers to both the secrets i want to know! Also i just wanted to let you guys know im gonna have the best halloween outfit.  I was going to be an avatar with soma you and henry said i should be too...but ill think about it! Idk what to wear to the halloween dance however!!! what are you guys gonna wear? Report back to me pumpkins:)

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