Day By Day

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Hey lady ladies! ok so thursday night was wayyyyy fun! too bad caroline, torrey, and marlow couldnt be there (well caroline for the whole time at least)... and it was so good to see sadie! i miss her sooooo much. but anyways, thats so great that cross country did well! yeah so i guess we arent doin the laser tag thing tommorrow cuz i didnt hear anything today.. but i got my freaking phone taken away! im so mad! verizons little website thing says that i was texting at two thirty on monday and my parents saw it and took my phone... but i seriously have never texted during class... THATS SO NOT EVEN POSSIBLE IM IN FRENCH AND TWENTY FIRST CENTURY. torrey youre always with me, have you ever seen my text in class? does anyone remember anything like that monday? its sooo weird. so if anyone is trying to contact me, thats why im not answering. and then my parents freaked out and for like two hours they sat there talking to me about how miserable i am.. because remember last week when i had that little breakdown? well when my mom was talking to me during all that i told her about how school kinda sucked and stuff. and then last night they told me that they have been talking about big lifestyle changes or something. and so they told me that we need to make a big change soon, and i have to decide what it is by the end of the week. ill tell you about the options they gave me later, but it was really depressing and they are trying to get me into therapy.  and today i just hung out and home and i went to life as we know it and it was soooo cute! i went with my mom, which was ok. and now im watching snl and eating a tootsie pop. and i just watched four episodes of castle. (which is my new favorite show by the way). and now i just feel really weird. and i dont know what im going to do now..

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