Day By Day

Monday, October 25, 2010

Upside down whos to stay whats impossible.....

I love that song...upside down by jack johnson! Ella of course you did the right thing. My mom always tells me, you cant work so hard to make other people happy if it doesnt make you happy. I mean the first thing you always need to do is what is the best for you, and what will make you happy, because its your life! own it! I would have never broken up with koler if i was worried about any one elses feelings:p IM SO HAPPY CAROLINE POSTED! Mackie i really wanna know what the big changes are...are they bad? HEY I NEED HELP ON MATHHHH!!!!!! So i hear koler likes bekah...thats just what henry told me haha and im actually kinda happy for him...just that hes moved on. Its wierd but i feel really chill about him now:))  Also henry told me that at the choir concert, courtney went and talked about me almost the whole time. Henry didnt want to tell me what they said, and frankly, i didnt want to know:p Shes not part of my life anymore so whatever. No hard feelings or anything:p I still need to sell raffle tickets!!! OH GOSH! Okay well ive got to get back to math...i dont get 19 through 22 and number 24..........ughhhhh! xxxx torreyyy
ps. this does feel safe when we post on it. I love having a place to talk about everything! I love you 4 so so much:) 
<<Ella this is to cheer you up

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