Hey someone update me on what happened at the dance! Phone is out of batteries! I heard Marlow danced wit tanner. THANK GOD FOR THAT LOVELY CHILD! (for keeping heather away of course!) so someone post! Care care! I wanna know what went down! Haha
THIS IS NOT THE BLOG YOU THINK IT IS. haha just for you ella bella, cause i know youre not tired of that or anything.
Day By Day
Sunday, October 31, 2010
haha i finally figured out how to get on to this stupid thing!!! haha so HAPPY HALLOWEEN everyone!(: and i will officially start writing now... hmmmm so marlows life is just about as boring as can be(: volleyball volleyball volleyball... and more volleyball. but only 2 more weeks! i feel like i never ever get to talk to any of you anymore:( its upsetting... but we will change that very soon(:
love you all will all of my heart(:
marlow fey<3
love you all will all of my heart(:
marlow fey<3
I NEED A DRESS FOR THE CROSSCOUNTRY BANQUET WHERE I WILL GET MY LETTER! my mom doesnt want to buy me a dress so hopefully my dad will but its gonna be hard....and it may not come in time....HELP!
Friday, October 29, 2010
The sad life of torrey
so im cuddled up with my teddy bear and my pink fuzzy blanket in front of the tv in my footie pajamas watching recorded episodes of keeping up with the kardashians (that ive seen multiple times). I cried on the way home today. I think im having symptoms of my period just with no blood and its lasted a month lol (sorry if that grosses you out hahah). School was super fun today and the FIRETRUCK WAS AMAZING!!! ELLA I SAW YOU!!! But between school and the firetruck it sucked....yeah. Alrighty im gonna go:) text me if you need someone to talk to about anything, because chances are i will be there to confide in! xoox torrey
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Hahahahaha tor mine looks sooooo crappy! But I'm so excited to wear it:)
OHHHH LETS STAPLE THEM TO THE FRONT OF OUR SHIRTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hahah on the head it looks retarded!!!!!! How big is your moon? my sun is like bigger than my head and goes back in the wind when i walk hahha its baddddddddddd!
Yes be daytime! You don't even have to wear yellow! Just cut out the shape of a sun from some cinstruction paper or cardboard and grue it to a headband! And I'll do a moon! We can just be the sun and the moon i guess! Then just wear like yellow jewelry!0
hahah im totally going to be a kitty! Just wear normal clothes and put 3 little whiskers on your cheek with an eyeliner pencil or something....hahah thats what im doing..and a little triangle on my nose:p haha its easy but should i be daytime(or a sun haha) i dont have any yellowwww ...torrey
mack reply!
mack reply!
Tor, give me an answer, yes or no, are we dressing up tomoro?
You are allowed to say no. Haha
You are allowed to say no. Haha
cheer up:))
Anyone realize this: we all feel empty, depressed, like we are missing something. Wierd. Maybe we should start a therapy session (joking) this blog is enough:p so ummm i dont really feel like typing much right now but mackie i know how you feel...about sherpie i mean. I have those same wierd things with koler. I wonder if he thinks about me as much as i have been thinking about him. Even though theres no way in hell we will ever get back together. (ella you should go to the dance...even for a little just so im not alone...i mean it couldnt hurt to try right? and im not going to trick or treat til 1130 so why not?! i dont even think im going trick or treating because i dont have an outfit...) I feel empty right now though, like only when im alone though...and sometimes 5th and 6th period because i have time to space out and think haha. Well ill try to cheer up! xoox torrey
ps. blankets make my life better;)
ps. blankets make my life better;)
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
i win
I win for longest post ever. Haha losers. that was 654 words. beat that.
You remind me of what has been, and what can never be.
Hey. I feel extremely weird right now. Ok so Ella I think that is the most amazing idea ever! That would be so cool for all of us to have completely different experiences and it would be great. Except I know some of us (coughmarlowcough) would never leave for a whole year in the middle of their athletic prime. But those people are losers. Haha anyways. Yes that's a great idea. Today was my mamas bday. It was aight. Yeah, so I didn't get to go to logos:( and now I might not get my phone back til Saturday! Ugh ugh ugh. Haha oh well it actually isn't bothering me all that much. Nathan came by with birthday banana bread for my mom and stayed for like two hours. Haha it was greeeeat. I'm nervous for the math quiz. Doing the review right now. And I'm also just anxious. I don't know why, lately I just feel like I'm missing something, and I'm waiting for something else. It's throwing me way off balance. Ella I wish I could do somethin with you Halloween but becca already asked me to stay at her house... And I said sure.
So, as some of you know, I am a strong believer in fate/destiny/it'smeanttobeness, and this is throwing me, if everything happens for a reason, then why is this happening? Why is everything happening? What's the meaning behind all of this. Cuz if it isn't leading us somewhere than what's the use of putting up with this shit?
I had a weird moment today, I walked into English and saw sherpie, and he was wearing that red shirt that he Always wears, and I had this flashback of the day that he fought with Nick about me, and he was wearing that shirt, and I remember just catching a glimpse of the red in the staircase and my heart sank. And I just relived that moment today as I walked into english and caught a glimpse of his red shirt. And something just hit me, and I don't even know what it is. That was the night he told me he loved me the first time. And I honestly beleive that I loved him in a way too. And now, six months later, everything has changed. And then I realized that not just with him, but everything. Everything has changed. My life is completely different now. I have changed, and something inside me has just flipped. And it's different. I'm not sure if it's good different or not. And that's scary. There's no other way to put it.
Do you guys have this void inside you? I know I do. And I have ever since I can remember. And if you have it too, do you feel like your goal is to find what will fill it? Maybe i'm crazy, but I am having an epiphany night.
You know what I love more than anything else? Clouds. Just clouds. You know there is millions of them that have been in the sky over the years. But not one has been the same as another, but we all know that they are made of the same... Well, stuff. Just like all of us. We are all so different, but we are all made of the same stuff. Also, I feel like the clouds are the same thing, just in different forms. Just like our personalities, we are in different forms, but we are always the made of the same stuff. Just a thought.
For those of you who I love the most (Aka Ella because she's seen serendipity) I am looking at Cassiopeia right now. I looked up where it is in the sky, and guess what? Right where it is, a little patch of the night sky peaked through the clouds. Coincidence? I think not...
So, as some of you know, I am a strong believer in fate/destiny/it'smeanttobeness, and this is throwing me, if everything happens for a reason, then why is this happening? Why is everything happening? What's the meaning behind all of this. Cuz if it isn't leading us somewhere than what's the use of putting up with this shit?
I had a weird moment today, I walked into English and saw sherpie, and he was wearing that red shirt that he Always wears, and I had this flashback of the day that he fought with Nick about me, and he was wearing that shirt, and I remember just catching a glimpse of the red in the staircase and my heart sank. And I just relived that moment today as I walked into english and caught a glimpse of his red shirt. And something just hit me, and I don't even know what it is. That was the night he told me he loved me the first time. And I honestly beleive that I loved him in a way too. And now, six months later, everything has changed. And then I realized that not just with him, but everything. Everything has changed. My life is completely different now. I have changed, and something inside me has just flipped. And it's different. I'm not sure if it's good different or not. And that's scary. There's no other way to put it.
Do you guys have this void inside you? I know I do. And I have ever since I can remember. And if you have it too, do you feel like your goal is to find what will fill it? Maybe i'm crazy, but I am having an epiphany night.
You know what I love more than anything else? Clouds. Just clouds. You know there is millions of them that have been in the sky over the years. But not one has been the same as another, but we all know that they are made of the same... Well, stuff. Just like all of us. We are all so different, but we are all made of the same stuff. Also, I feel like the clouds are the same thing, just in different forms. Just like our personalities, we are in different forms, but we are always the made of the same stuff. Just a thought.
For those of you who I love the most (Aka Ella because she's seen serendipity) I am looking at Cassiopeia right now. I looked up where it is in the sky, and guess what? Right where it is, a little patch of the night sky peaked through the clouds. Coincidence? I think not...
it's a word that means balance in your life. i like it. i think i'm going to have to start having more balance. right now...im not balanced. thoughts that do no good for my life have taken over. stupid shit that is pointless to worry about. so i've figured out what's triggering my ongoing slump that i've been trying to ignore. so there's my thoughts of the last...what...week? all summed up for whoever decides to read my post.
Mackie i think it would be really cool to do foreign exchange. i bet you would absolutely love it) maybe the five of us should all just leave junior year...and each go to some random country...im down.
im making a blanket. torrey it's going to be what you snuggle with to keep you warm and un-lonely. when you have the blanket...you will NEVER be lonely cuz it's made with love.
am i making sense right now?
i don't think so.
this week has been just lovely. just kidding.
halloween better be ridiculosly fun! im still not sure if im gonna go or not (to the dance) because i feeel like i'm to old to go door to door asking for candy right next to all the 3rd graders but i don't know if i wanna go to the dance cuz those are kind of my 2 options at the moment? but we could go to the corn mazee????????????
it bugs me when guys are annoying. if you don't like them...you don't like them and you probably wont. **austin???** (giles) and that goes for arthur too. henry is the only one who gets it. i take that back he's the only GUY who gets it.
i could go on and on....but i better stop
Mackie i think it would be really cool to do foreign exchange. i bet you would absolutely love it) maybe the five of us should all just leave junior year...and each go to some random country...im down.
im making a blanket. torrey it's going to be what you snuggle with to keep you warm and un-lonely. when you have the blanket...you will NEVER be lonely cuz it's made with love.
am i making sense right now?
i don't think so.
this week has been just lovely. just kidding.
halloween better be ridiculosly fun! im still not sure if im gonna go or not (to the dance) because i feeel like i'm to old to go door to door asking for candy right next to all the 3rd graders but i don't know if i wanna go to the dance cuz those are kind of my 2 options at the moment? but we could go to the corn mazee????????????
it bugs me when guys are annoying. if you don't like them...you don't like them and you probably wont. **austin???** (giles) and that goes for arthur too. henry is the only one who gets it. i take that back he's the only GUY who gets it.
i could go on and on....but i better stop
wow....ive posted alot tonight
im bored okay? haha okay so arthur is upset with me because im not into him and he kept being like "what girl would dance with me..." and so on and so i just told him hes a good friend but we dont really have a chance but we can still have fun and then he said that ill be too busy with henry...whoosh hes behind lol and then koler texted me and said that he talked to my mom and that she said happy bday(which is the 11th) and said she will get him a present...and he asked me to tell her to not get him a present because it would be akward. Then we had a short little convo and he said he loves my family and i said my bro is having trouble letting go of him and he said "he wasnt the one letting go...bye" and i think he got upset but i wished him well and that was that. And now im texting henry...which i havent in forever. okay im gonna go xoxo torrreeyyy
music and lyrics
have you guys seen the movie music and lyrics? its good haha but this song is from it and they like write it and stuff together and its so cute...i think:p <the video>
old but goodddd
<last kiss> this song is old but true! its sad:( and it used to be super famous....but isnt that sad? He wrote this song right after his son died too!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks mackidoodles:)) i lovveee youuu!!! And that was deep haha but sometimes LIFE JUST CALLS FOR IT:p henry and i have barely talked lately and i dont know why. The flowers he gave me are dying no matter how much food i give them:( i love keane(the singer) haha alrighty im gonna go watch some recorded shows that i love:) torrey
ps. <somewhere only we know> i like the song, but the videos just kinda there
<cant stand it> we have all heard this song, but have you seen the video? extreme cuteness!!
Thanks mackidoodles:)) i lovveee youuu!!! And that was deep haha but sometimes LIFE JUST CALLS FOR IT:p henry and i have barely talked lately and i dont know why. The flowers he gave me are dying no matter how much food i give them:( i love keane(the singer) haha alrighty im gonna go watch some recorded shows that i love:) torrey
ps. <somewhere only we know> i like the song, but the videos just kinda there
<cant stand it> we have all heard this song, but have you seen the video? extreme cuteness!!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
You'll never be alone.
Tor toe, you are never ever alone. I know for a fact that's true. I can't speak for anyone else, but I will ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS be here for you. No matter what. An even the notion that you are not alone will keep you company. You may feel alone, but we-the five of us especially-will always stand united. And that bond can never be broken. I just know it. So don't feel alone, feel alive.
***wow. That was deeper than expected. Haha****
***wow. That was deeper than expected. Haha****
Mackie why do you have to decide so soon? And wait....what happened that made like this such a big deal? I mean like why dont you want to live at their house anymore. I mean i dont want to live with my parents sometimes but im just confused. Anyway i think if you want to go to the dance then go, like i said in my last post, its your life, so do what you want to make you happy. It wont hurt anyone. Im in a wierd mood. Depressed still kinda...especially when im alone...like the by 6th period i feel sooooo wierd!! I was riding kempen today in kalispell at her barn and i looked outside and it was dark and the lights were shining on the gate and all down the road and the sky was so pretty and i just felt really alone. Like i wanted to share it with someone so bad. Just like snuggle with someone warm and know that they love me. It was a really different feeling than normal, and maybe ive been so emotional because i feel alone. Even though i know i shouldnt. So yeah ive got alot of homework to do but hopefully someday my life wont be so freaking confusing. xoxo torrey:/
Hey ok so I know I just posted but I was digging around in our store room and found this old box with a bunch of cool stuff in it that was my grandparents and like diary and stuff and also about a hundred love letters from my grandpa to my grandma in 1952! They are soooo cute! In one he says, "anyways, I miss you a little, love you a little, and I lie a lot." awww! Haha so cute! Oh my heck this is so cute! He is talking about voting and he's like, "well if you're going to be my wife than you had better learn to vote!"
****cant think of a title****
yeah so, ummm,, things are fairly weird right now. i dont even know why... its just weird. it kinda feels like its not me living, like im just watching someone else live my life. weirdness, i know. can i just say that i love henry sooo freaking much? seriously, he is my favorite guy ever. so anyway, moving on, yeah, so short version, my parentalss, gave me some options and i have to decide by the end of the week. option one: switch schools.... either cfalls, glacier, or flathead. option two: get on a fast track and graduate three semesters early, so skip half of junior, and senior year, and go to college early. or option three: go on foreign exchange junior year. I am thinking option three... im pretty sure thats what im gonna do. so yeah, i guess my parents know that i dont want to live at their house anymore. maybe if they werent so overpowering, things would be different. but they are, so things are what they are. and now im just listening to music and pondering. also, i think the real reason i dont want to go to the dance is because i dont want to deal with tanner. either, he will be with heather the whole time, or their is gonna be some kinda awkward confrontation that wont be fun for any of us. so better i just dont go, and then pretend that nothing is happening. oblivion is the safest route at this point. so yeah, but i just dont think i want to, or could deal with that. so yeah, im saying so yeah a lot iin this blog, anyways, i still like him, but not enough to cause anything in the middle of a dance... so ANTI-DANCE HERE I COME! haha so yeah, i love you all to deathers!
peace in the middle east(i love shaycarl)
peace in the middle east(i love shaycarl)
Monday, October 25, 2010
Upside down whos to stay whats impossible.....
I love that song...upside down by jack johnson! Ella of course you did the right thing. My mom always tells me, you cant work so hard to make other people happy if it doesnt make you happy. I mean the first thing you always need to do is what is the best for you, and what will make you happy, because its your life! own it! I would have never broken up with koler if i was worried about any one elses feelings:p IM SO HAPPY CAROLINE POSTED! Mackie i really wanna know what the big changes are...are they bad? HEY I NEED HELP ON MATHHHH!!!!!! So i hear koler likes bekah...thats just what henry told me haha and im actually kinda happy for him...just that hes moved on. Its wierd but i feel really chill about him now:)) Also henry told me that at the choir concert, courtney went and talked about me almost the whole time. Henry didnt want to tell me what they said, and frankly, i didnt want to know:p Shes not part of my life anymore so whatever. No hard feelings or anything:p I still need to sell raffle tickets!!! OH GOSH! Okay well ive got to get back to math...i dont get 19 through 22 and number 24..........ughhhhh! xxxx torreyyy
ps. this does feel safe when we post on it. I love having a place to talk about everything! I love you 4 so so much:)
ps. this does feel safe when we post on it. I love having a place to talk about everything! I love you 4 so so much:)
not sad...but definitely not happy either.
I have been deprived of the blog! haven't been on in atleast 5 days. Caroline...congrats. you are no longer a blog virgin. HA.
Mackie? what were the options ur parents were giving you? say it here. it seems like things are safe when they are spoken of on here.
im very sorry that laser tag didn't work out...it was rainy and a bit cold anyway.
umm what else do i have to comment on?... oh yes that night after church was so lovely. church was also rather loverly:) hoes hoes and broken hoes! after we layed on a rather uncomfortable rock and watched the moon and talked and laughed. i love you guys all SO much.
It's agreed...friends are the most important thing:)
well i told brickface (nathan) that i didn't like him anymore because i didn't want him to think i did...haha duh. but i feel mean and terrible because caroline keeps tellin me all this stuff he's saying about how sad he is and all this stuff and it makes me terribly regret telling him. ughhhhh. i didn't like him! what was a supposed tooo doo?:( i think i did the right thing?
so here's a delightful subject change for you...we got like 10 inches of snow on the mountain today!!! it snowed ALL DAY LONG and i'm so FREAKING EXCITED!!! skiing is one thing i will always be excited for:) no matter what!!!!!!
well i love you all to death. absolutely unconditionally and always will.
PS the colors have no relevance...just stuff i thought needed a different color than purple :P
Mackie? what were the options ur parents were giving you? say it here. it seems like things are safe when they are spoken of on here.
im very sorry that laser tag didn't work out...it was rainy and a bit cold anyway.
umm what else do i have to comment on?... oh yes that night after church was so lovely. church was also rather loverly:) hoes hoes and broken hoes! after we layed on a rather uncomfortable rock and watched the moon and talked and laughed. i love you guys all SO much.
It's agreed...friends are the most important thing:)
well i told brickface (nathan) that i didn't like him anymore because i didn't want him to think i did...haha duh. but i feel mean and terrible because caroline keeps tellin me all this stuff he's saying about how sad he is and all this stuff and it makes me terribly regret telling him. ughhhhh. i didn't like him! what was a supposed tooo doo?:( i think i did the right thing?
so here's a delightful subject change for you...we got like 10 inches of snow on the mountain today!!! it snowed ALL DAY LONG and i'm so FREAKING EXCITED!!! skiing is one thing i will always be excited for:) no matter what!!!!!!
well i love you all to death. absolutely unconditionally and always will.
PS the colors have no relevance...just stuff i thought needed a different color than purple :P
dude i might get a perm. Yeah haha i still need to research it a little...but it would be alot of fun:p xoxo torr
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Yay! Caroline! Joyous day! Haha but seriously, yay. And congrats on the game yesterday!
First Post
I have't posted anything yet so i thought that it would be a good time to rigth something:) so heres my story short and sweet...we made state for soccer and were off to Billings next weekend and hopefully were kicking some butt...and also im very confused about boys cus honestly who gets them???? But atleast have have my fantastic four friends that help me get through the day and honestly i would probably die without them!!! Well its back to reality since our four day weekend came and went...but hopefully i continue to post regularly! (probably not gonna happen) But thats all for now:)
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Hey lady ladies! ok so thursday night was wayyyyy fun! too bad caroline, torrey, and marlow couldnt be there (well caroline for the whole time at least)... and it was so good to see sadie! i miss her sooooo much. but anyways, thats so great that cross country did well! yeah so i guess we arent doin the laser tag thing tommorrow cuz i didnt hear anything today.. but i got my freaking phone taken away! im so mad! verizons little website thing says that i was texting at two thirty on monday and my parents saw it and took my phone... but i seriously have never texted during class... THATS SO NOT EVEN POSSIBLE IM IN FRENCH AND TWENTY FIRST CENTURY. torrey youre always with me, have you ever seen my text in class? does anyone remember anything like that monday? its sooo weird. so if anyone is trying to contact me, thats why im not answering. and then my parents freaked out and for like two hours they sat there talking to me about how miserable i am.. because remember last week when i had that little breakdown? well when my mom was talking to me during all that i told her about how school kinda sucked and stuff. and then last night they told me that they have been talking about big lifestyle changes or something. and so they told me that we need to make a big change soon, and i have to decide what it is by the end of the week. ill tell you about the options they gave me later, but it was really depressing and they are trying to get me into therapy. and today i just hung out and home and i went to life as we know it and it was soooo cute! i went with my mom, which was ok. and now im watching snl and eating a tootsie pop. and i just watched four episodes of castle. (which is my new favorite show by the way). and now i just feel really weird. and i dont know what im going to do now..
no time for losers(cuz we are the CHAMPIONS)
1st for girls at state!!! STATE CHAMPS! YOU GUYS BETTER BE HAPPY YOU LIVE IN THE BEASTLIEST TOWN IN MONTANA!!!! and guyss got 2nd!!! They did better than ever ever ever before!!!!! IT WAS AMAZING! Im sure you all saw the facebook pictures of our dinner hahah that was fun lol and bailey had a hard day. Bailey is such a role model for me. She is so strong and today just opened my eyes. Today was a really emotional day but everything worked out!:) I MIGHT RUN THE NIKE REGIONALS IF MY HIP GETS BETTER!! I called my dad like 30minutes after we won and i broke down sobbing like the kind where you cant stop and my whole face was black with mascara haha it was bad lol but i got it together. The varsity girls were all getting their picture taken with the trophie and i was watching and then they were like "torrey get your butt up here!! Youre just as much a part of the team as the rest of us!!!" and it made me so happy i started crying...even though everyone was pretty much crying too haha aaahhhh im serious crosscountry is the best sport ever ever ever. xoxo chica boos BBYYYEEE! t-roseee
Thursday, October 21, 2010
News, news, and kisses
JUST IN: So some recent knews on scotty.............
So you all heard that the road they were driving on was nicely paved and on the side it had a little ditch and then had a little gradual hill to the fields alongside the road. When they crashed, the front corner of the car hit that gradual hill which most likely sent scott and bill through the windshield. Scary i know. The whole front of the car was completely smashed together. When scott was found, the rubber that goes around the windshield was wrapped tightly around scottys body... So people were wondering : what would happen if they had had their seatbelts on? Well if they had their seat belts on they would probably have less brain trauma and scrapes but would have most likely broken their necks and backs and had their legs crushed in the car. Its really scary! I dont know which one i would prefer!! OMIGOSH coming back from church yesterday when we were just pulling out of the parking lot my daddy and i saw this huge fire with lots of smoke coming from it at this house across the highway...and we thought it was a bonfire...but it was so huge we kept looking at it and then this giant spark flew from it like 30 feet and my dad was like omigoshh thats got to be something bad and then we heard the firetruck and ambulance coming!! It was crazy!! So then we thought it was a house fire! I begged my daddy to drive by it so i could see so he turned around and while we were passing we noticed the house was okay but on the front lawn there was a giant fire like the size of 2 school buses!! We didnt really know what it was but then we figured out it was probably a car fire! It was crazzzzzyyyyyy!!! So yeah thats whats up:p xoox tortorr!
So you all heard that the road they were driving on was nicely paved and on the side it had a little ditch and then had a little gradual hill to the fields alongside the road. When they crashed, the front corner of the car hit that gradual hill which most likely sent scott and bill through the windshield. Scary i know. The whole front of the car was completely smashed together. When scott was found, the rubber that goes around the windshield was wrapped tightly around scottys body... So people were wondering : what would happen if they had had their seatbelts on? Well if they had their seat belts on they would probably have less brain trauma and scrapes but would have most likely broken their necks and backs and had their legs crushed in the car. Its really scary! I dont know which one i would prefer!! OMIGOSH coming back from church yesterday when we were just pulling out of the parking lot my daddy and i saw this huge fire with lots of smoke coming from it at this house across the highway...and we thought it was a bonfire...but it was so huge we kept looking at it and then this giant spark flew from it like 30 feet and my dad was like omigoshh thats got to be something bad and then we heard the firetruck and ambulance coming!! It was crazy!! So then we thought it was a house fire! I begged my daddy to drive by it so i could see so he turned around and while we were passing we noticed the house was okay but on the front lawn there was a giant fire like the size of 2 school buses!! We didnt really know what it was but then we figured out it was probably a car fire! It was crazzzzzyyyyyy!!! So yeah thats whats up:p xoox tortorr!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Classic chicas
We are such a classic little group. I love it. Church was alota fun tonight, especially when we were all laying on the rock in the dark (well mackie and ella and meeee). Im so excited for state! Ive been writing really short blogs lately because ive kinda been on a whirl and have so much fun stuff to do! Thursday im free, friday and saturday im at state, and sundays laser tag! boorah! hehe today was so much fun though. Dont you think so? i wonder what the dance is going to be like...i wonder if i will dance with henry again almost the whole time?! im not dancing with arthur for sure no matter how many times he requests. Maybe ill migrate:) I hope the dance will be fun! I think im going trick or treating and then going to the dance a little late...i mean i couldnt miss out on the whole dance...especially if it goes to 11:30!!!!!! We cleaned dicks yard tonight with hoes...funfun:) mackie your hoe was broken....very sad:p hahahh that was an insanely perverted church night lol i like it looootttssss! Okay so ill get my phone back tomorrow....my moms being a butt haha on my way home my daddy gave me jelly bellys and red vines and skittles...yummmmm. Hollah for the sweet tooths in the family!! Okay im going to go :p probably go take a shower or something. Oh yeah i have a recorded gossip girl to watch haha betta do thhat before friday:) IM SO EXCITED TO SPEND THE NIGHT IN HELENA!!!! toodles....omigosh i never say toodles! funny! (oops i did the funny crap thing again...crapper) Okismokes i love ya pumpkin pies:p xoxo torrey-bo-borey-bo-nana-fana-mo-morey-TORRREY! sleep tight...until we meet again;)
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Ps that last one was mackie... In case you didn't know... But who else is that depressing and listens to that creeperish of music and has been crying all the time lately? Yeah, that would be me.
Music: the ultimate drug
Wow. That title was pretty intense. But seriously, it's true... At least for me. That Song was... Interesting. Haha you should listen to times, and by your side by tenth avenue north. And lonely people, 20 years, and mayfield by Augustana. And stolen by dashboard confessional. An the drugs don't work by the verve. And I want you to know by lifehouse. And if you're gone by matchbox twenty. And little wonders by rob Thomas. And I could go on for hours and hours. Haha anyway, ladies, we need to talk. Oh my goodness! Perfect oportunity! Long weekend! Haha as you all know we are in the midst of planning something. I'm anxious. And I have no idea why. I started crying a few minutes ago... Something is definitely wrong with me... I don't cry. And I have cried more in the past two weeks than I have in the past two years. Any diagnosis? Honestly, I feel heartbroken. But what do I have a broken heart for? Anyone? Nothing?.....
http://music.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=music.artistalbums&artistid=39894&albumid=17627 go to this and play the song come go with me thats like in the black box. ITS AMAZING haha its an old song but its really good:) xoxo
im excited for state. Ella we had a funny day today. Thank you courtney for coming and letting me have a hilariously akward lunch:) actually serious. xoxo torrey<3
ps. my phone is still missing. im not ignoring you. hehe
ps. my phone is still missing. im not ignoring you. hehe
Monday, October 18, 2010
I lost my phone. Totally gonna die. Ella im sorry you havent cried lately, i have. I like writing short and fast sentences. OMIGOSH I read my horoscope and it said that i shouldnt start a relationship soon no matter how strong my feelings are, and that i will be able to buy a new sweater or peice of clothing with birthday money from relatives!!! How convenient! So i guess that answers the henry thing too....and also MAKE SURE WHAT IS WRITTEN HERE STAYS HERE! NO ONE SAYS ANYTHING ABOUT WHATS WRITTEN ON HERE! THANKYOU. hehe so yeah i guess short little sentences didnt last long. I really miss my phone though! And i think its dead so it wont ring!! Sosososo sad. I love horoscopes! Seriously they make me so happy because they always help me make decisions...they are that personal. So yeah if anyone wants to help me find my phone feel FREE. ((((((: haha that dude has lots of chins. Hmmm im off to go carve my pumpkin with all the little boys!!!! 20 days til my birthday!!!!!!!! xoxo torrey<3
ps.Scotty came in the car today when my mom picked me up and lots of people said hi to him! You guys missed it. Sadly, 15 minutes later when we went to Safeway to get food he forgot who had talked to him so i had to fill him in on everything. The good thing is he may be back to school in a week!!!! Lets all wish for him at 11:11 every day!!
ps.Scotty came in the car today when my mom picked me up and lots of people said hi to him! You guys missed it. Sadly, 15 minutes later when we went to Safeway to get food he forgot who had talked to him so i had to fill him in on everything. The good thing is he may be back to school in a week!!!! Lets all wish for him at 11:11 every day!!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
something happen.....PLEASE!
Does anybody else seem rather bored with life? Well it doesn't seem like it with mac or torrey. So i guess it's just me. There's no drama, or gossip to catch up on...or anything! What is this!?
It's nice not having to be worried about stupid drama but it keeps you occupied! i serously have been sooo bored lately. I haven't cried for a week. that's not normal for me!
I think we were all really happy to see sadie. i didn't even realize how much i missed her until we hung out at the game...
Dang teacher won't post the math scores online. im sure he corrected the tests he's just tooo freakin lazy to post the scores. wow.
I'm pretty sure my brother played a prank on me and put lotion in my conditioner because my hair sorta won't dry...
i'm going to go take another shower
It's nice not having to be worried about stupid drama but it keeps you occupied! i serously have been sooo bored lately. I haven't cried for a week. that's not normal for me!
I think we were all really happy to see sadie. i didn't even realize how much i missed her until we hung out at the game...
Dang teacher won't post the math scores online. im sure he corrected the tests he's just tooo freakin lazy to post the scores. wow.
I'm pretty sure my brother played a prank on me and put lotion in my conditioner because my hair sorta won't dry...
i'm going to go take another shower
I know ella and mackie know, but for the resta you, i was super emotional friday. Super emotional. I cried about everything! But then the game cheered me up and mackie and i danced around to old awesome music for some time til my mom came and picked me up! The dancing was fun haha but i was so sad to leave! I feel so alone doing homework!!!! Anyway, scottys doing great and hes eating a little which is good....he just has trouble staying awake. But we are getting him up and walking a couple times a day and hes doing great:) So right now i have 4 brothers haha and my dad will come back tonight so we will have a 7 person family lol its pretty fun:) I even made french toast this morning for them! So, crosscountry was great! I was super sad that i couldnt run and actually started crying again as i was recording 1st and 2nd mile times, but atleast no one was there to see me breakdown:p So that was a bummer but atleast i went and cheered and got to see my team! You will never believe this, but whitefish won overall for the girls and for the boys!!!! Two big trophies! Whitefish won divisionals!!! Hollah for the beastliest school ever!!! Anyway, that was fun and henry and i were bus buddies as always haha and we talked about our "relationship" and stuff....and we decided to just be chill and have fun with each other because we really dont know how we feel right now:p so dont expect us to have a thing or anything anytime soon:) and im actually really happy because hes one of the only guys i can really be super myself around and just have fun with him just wanting to do the same and not wanting to turn it into something bigger. I kinda love it. Anyway, another relationship is not what i need right now:) So mackie, hows tanner? OMIGOSH on the bus knoxy was like " i miss pheebs" and it was so cute! he didnt run either because his quad hurts so i wasnt alone hahah. So i listened to a recording of him and his bro singing the song the most beautiful girl with each other...it was on big knoxs ipod. It was so good!!!!!!!! So if my hip gets better im going to go to state with crosscountry as an alternate...i would have gone as the number 6 runner but since i couldnt run this last meet i got moved down. I hope my hip does get better fast though. Alrighty tighty girlys, i love ya and ill probably post later today if i feel like it...or not hahah xoxo chica boos ~torrey<3
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Oh jeez. its been a big 24 hours... last night when tor tor left i was so sad:( i seriously started crying and then i couldnt stop and just had this little meltdown. it was not good. but i was having separation anxiety from her! weird, i know. but i got to see scotty, he was sitting in torreys car, and he looked sooo good. seriously wayyy better than i thought he would! so that was very good. and the game was fun cuz i got to see sadie... i started crying when i saw her... last night was a very emotional night for me. but anyway, a lot has been goin on lately! i think all of us are a little frazzled. well at least me, and torrey judging from last night. so, ya, i dont really know what else to say. im exhausted. maybe ill go take a nap... haha i think i will:) bye bye
Thursday, October 14, 2010
I dont know how i feel right now exactly. Its an odd feeling, i mean im so happy for tanner and mackidoodles so that makes me happy, but then theres something wierd right now where i just feel like laying down and thinking...i think. Im not sad but im not super hyper happy either. Maybe its because crosscountry made me feel like a loser today. Today ive been really sensitive and emotional. I cried in crosscountry and it hurt, but i cried more because i was sad. And i dont know why. And then in math i got all teary eyed and i dont know why again!!!! it kinda pissed me off, but then again im just confused! goshhhhhh this blog must sound messed up and all over the place. Hayden just like texted me and got mad at me for like leading on henry and was like "YOU NEED TO TELL HIM THAT YOU DONT LIKE HIM! THATS MEAN IF YOU JUST LEAD HIM ON" and it made me feel wierd again. Haydens not normally so deep...but he said he just doesnt want henry ending up all depressed. Oh, he just said something nice:p k ive gotta go do all my other hw!!! xoxo chicas byeeeeeee
Sheeshapalooza! we have a ton of homework tonight... me and tor tor are working on french, english and math! nervous for the math test. and i have to run the mile tomorrow at lunch, for a makeup. ughhhh... but other than that LIFE IS FREAKING AMAZING!! haha but seriously, it is. i am so stinking happy. everything has just done like a 180 in my life, and it is looking fantastic. I seriously have not felt this content in like three months...(circa June 19.. anyone know that lovely occasion? haha douchebag) haha that boy just makes me sooo happy:) yeah so, tonight will probably be my last night with torrey:( that lovely girl is so much fun. but her mama is comin home so i guess she has to go be with her fam fam(whats the deal with that?!!?) haha but anyway, i wish to see sadie this weekend, and i think i will:) everyone wish marlow much luck in Missoula, for the vball tournament. and yeah, im gonna go study for math! toodloo!
~mack mack mack mackIE!
~mack mack mack mackIE!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Boys guys boys guys and boys who act like men.
Actually...I just called it that because really all this is about is boys! So I'll start off with the beginning of my day! History sucked because the only boy that is in our grade is Trevor and he's the only guy in the whole class whotalks. And he never even talks much! Yeah that's how sucky it is. Okay so 2nd period is when all the stuff started. Mackidoodles told me that Henry thinks I'm sending him mixed signals and he feels like im leading him on...even though I guess that's just my nature. Sad I know. So I felt really bad about that so I wrote him a letter (Henry and I write long notes to each other every day) and I told him how i love him but not like the way you love some one when you go out with them. I don't know if that made sense but basically it's what I said earlier in ona my blogs about him. I said it really sweetly rto him though and I was scared he would be upset with me but he's not haha. So anyway it's on to tanner and mackie! I witnessed them hugging under the moonlight and couldn't stop taking mental pictures! They mAke my life amazing hahah I can't get over it. So today after crosscountry mozi and mackie died. Purposely. Yes we killed them willingly. We being me and mackidoodles. We ended it and then he was being confuzzling but I think he took it okay. And someday he will be happy he let mackie and tanner be together! So right now we are listening to the best day by Taylor swift and I like it:) I don't actually know if I like henry or not. I mean I totally don't miss koler but I think my body is going through withdrawal anyway just because he's not there...even though I don't want him there. But since then I have kinda been sensitive and Henry always makes me so happy even if he's just sitting there. I don't know if j like him or not because I have the wierdest feelin about it. I just love him as a buddy fo sho but idk what would happen if I went out with him...so that's why I'm not planing on it. I'm just going to treat him as a buddy as usual for awhile because I don't feel like having a guy anyway. Okay I'm gonna go because my hands hurt holding this iPod haha love ya sweetie pumpkin pies!( I made that up tonight at the volleyball game)! Sleep tight don't let the bedbugs bite and if they do smash them with a shoe til they turn black and blue!!!!!! Xoxo torreyyyyyy!:) to be continued...;p
Last day of soccer:*( it was fun! gosh that went by quickly! We only lost one game the entire season which makes me happy:)
OHH sorry dearies i didn't have my phone tonight so i wasn't apart of the scott conference call. maybe tmrw night?
I'm kind of confused...erin's mad because she isn't apart of this blog? is that what's wrong? maybe we shud just stop talking about it at school...I can tell simone's kind of annoyed by it too.
Mackie im sorry you're caught up in this dilema! I don't think it's going to ruin your and mozi's frienship tho...i think he'll be able to move on unlike some guys who get attached and can't let go...hmmm i wonder who that coule be?!
I personally have no juicy details about my life to add here. Sorry to dissapoint.
Off to do some conjuguemos!
OHH sorry dearies i didn't have my phone tonight so i wasn't apart of the scott conference call. maybe tmrw night?
I'm kind of confused...erin's mad because she isn't apart of this blog? is that what's wrong? maybe we shud just stop talking about it at school...I can tell simone's kind of annoyed by it too.
Mackie im sorry you're caught up in this dilema! I don't think it's going to ruin your and mozi's frienship tho...i think he'll be able to move on unlike some guys who get attached and can't let go...hmmm i wonder who that coule be?!
I personally have no juicy details about my life to add here. Sorry to dissapoint.
Off to do some conjuguemos!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Boys are so frustrating. (and geometry sucks)
Ok. So tonight, tanner told me he liked me. And I answered back that I felt the same, but I also told him about mozi. I choose tanner. But now I have to do the dirty work. Unfortunately, I have to talk to mozi. And I really have no idea how I'm gonna do it and I don't want to do it. It would be one thing if we weren't friends, but now this is gonna ruin our friendship. And I really don't want that. But no matter what I do someone gets hurt. So I have to make the decision that will hurt me least. I feel like alli from the notebook(pretty much my favorite movie ever! Ooh, Ryan gosling....) anyway, tanner is Noah; and mozi is Lon. Both great guys, but one makes me happier than the other. There's the key to life, wwnsd? (what would Nicholas sparks do? So Torrey is coming to spend the night for the rest of the week I think, so at least I will have my torreywoodles for moral support:) haha ok I had better do my math homework. I hate geometry.
Tired Bones
Im pooped. Soccer was hard...well it was just tiring. You know when something just takes so much energy out of you that you can't even think? and if you do think it makes you even more tired? that's how i felt after practice. jeez. haha have there always been those three little options at the bottom of everybody's posts that say like funnny, need to talk, or somethin else...?
k so from now on post stuff under the page i made called like...day by day cuz this main page is gunna get filled up really quickly!
^^^the above picture is us five when we all modeled for umm...ha i picniked it from something off google. but it's sweet right?!
ummm i don't know what else too talk about!
this blog has 199 views!!! holy moly! and some of them are from alaska! yippeee! or is that strange? whoever you are...people, just don't tell anyone. K?!
ohhh torrey you'll find a way to see scott! i don't get why they can't be brought up to whitefish? is the hospital better in great falls? and wait i don't remember pretending to like henry...? refresh my memory please!
Love to yuz:)
k so from now on post stuff under the page i made called like...day by day cuz this main page is gunna get filled up really quickly!
^^^the above picture is us five when we all modeled for umm...ha i picniked it from something off google. but it's sweet right?!
ummm i don't know what else too talk about!
this blog has 199 views!!! holy moly! and some of them are from alaska! yippeee! or is that strange? whoever you are...people, just don't tell anyone. K?!
ohhh torrey you'll find a way to see scott! i don't get why they can't be brought up to whitefish? is the hospital better in great falls? and wait i don't remember pretending to like henry...? refresh my memory please!
Love to yuz:)
Gosh i liked that field trip:p hehe it was fun! and i totally agree! tanner is fun to be around and im more comfortable with him than with mozi...just saying lol but i will support you in whatever you choose:p AND ELLA HENRY TOLD ME hhhaha a little bit ago and i remembered when you guys pretended to like each other and stuff lol and then this time i was like wondering if what henry said was true or not but i guess so:p thats cute haha and i guess its nice you said "no?" lol because now you have time to think and im sure if you still like him he will still be there lol. I love you guys!!!! And mackie tanner really likes you! really likes you! alot! haha ohh i love posting and yes it was me who changed the backround lol coolio! im very random today hah and hyper now after crosscountry! duuudddeeeee i dont think i can go see scotty:( because i cant miss crosscountry practice because i need to go to regionals to go to state. But im pretty sure my moms going down for a week or something and then when scotty comes home hes going to stay with us while sharron stays with bill. Haha im texting tanner right now hint hint i bet you guys cant guess who we are talking about wink wink its pretty deep hint hint about this girl he likes wink wink! if you didnt get that then you guys are stupid and out of the loop! (thats okay i still love you!) I have barely seen caroline like at all! CAROLINE WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! AND YOU PROBABLY ARENT READING THIS BECAUSE YOU HAVENT GONE ON THE BLOG RECENTLY! thats okay haha omigosh im sorry mackie but you and mozi would be akward! and dances!!? and gym??!! totally wierd! it cannot happen...well it can if you are in love but im not seeing it:) well sorry i couldnt hold that in any longer but choose who ya want!:p k i need to go do homework! gossip girl is on tonight just so all you non watchers know! xoxo love ya chica boos, torrey
ps. for all yall wondering...i dont like henry in the way you think. I love him with a love hard to describe haha but hes so cute!!!! But its not the kind of sexual love lol its more of a brotherly love hahah i told you it was hard to describe! I just couldnt go out with him.
ps. for all yall wondering...i dont like henry in the way you think. I love him with a love hard to describe haha but hes so cute!!!! But its not the kind of sexual love lol its more of a brotherly love hahah i told you it was hard to describe! I just couldnt go out with him.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
OH Lordy
It's 10:13 and i'm skipping math homework to post. because i hate math. :P but anyway. i was at caroline's when i heard about scott:( her mom told us. and just so you know torrey...i did tell my dad but he's not that kind of person to spread stuff...and that was before you asked us not to say anything. just fyi. ugh that really really sucks.
mackie...pick tanner. ya mozi's short. but not that just i think tanner's easier to be around and cool. but they're kind of alike in my opinion...same sense of humor:) so pick who you want we will support you!!! ahh but torrey...it was nathan. i liked nathan. yep. boone. haha now it's out! im not really telling everyone because i don't want like...well crap. but it's not going anywhere...well it was and now it's kind of at a dead end. he asked me out and i kind of said no? but i liked him and everything...it's akwardly complicated. i don't even know the full story. but i don't care if anybody thinks its stupid or weird. cuz it's my decisions. but what we say in the blog stays in the blog please. ( i think that's already been establisshed!)
my weekend was funn! watched forrest play some pretty intense little guy football:D then had lunch wth caroline/holly and me an my mom:) that took like 3 hours! haha it was greaattt. then i ended up sleeping over at her house...and we made our halloween costumes! PS. We will NEVER be toooooooo old to trick or treat. if anyone asks...we're taking our little siblings out with us. i'm hoping all of us are dressing up!?!?! umm and then she and i went to mckenzie river pizzzaa today and had some deliciouso lunch that consisted of lodgepoles and those willowbrook sandwich things. YUM. then we watched cupcake wars and something about how to rennovate yer bathroom. hahaha
you know what angers me?
want to know why they anger me?
it's lame.
PS whoever changed the backround...i'm guessing torrey:) i like it. very much!
PPS i don't like it how all our posts are just getting cluttered on one page. we should put like a page for like those two first posts about us and then a page for random crap
mackie...pick tanner. ya mozi's short. but not that just i think tanner's easier to be around and cool. but they're kind of alike in my opinion...same sense of humor:) so pick who you want we will support you!!! ahh but torrey...it was nathan. i liked nathan. yep. boone. haha now it's out! im not really telling everyone because i don't want like...well crap. but it's not going anywhere...well it was and now it's kind of at a dead end. he asked me out and i kind of said no? but i liked him and everything...it's akwardly complicated. i don't even know the full story. but i don't care if anybody thinks its stupid or weird. cuz it's my decisions. but what we say in the blog stays in the blog please. ( i think that's already been establisshed!)
my weekend was funn! watched forrest play some pretty intense little guy football:D then had lunch wth caroline/holly and me an my mom:) that took like 3 hours! haha it was greaattt. then i ended up sleeping over at her house...and we made our halloween costumes! PS. We will NEVER be toooooooo old to trick or treat. if anyone asks...we're taking our little siblings out with us. i'm hoping all of us are dressing up!?!?! umm and then she and i went to mckenzie river pizzzaa today and had some deliciouso lunch that consisted of lodgepoles and those willowbrook sandwich things. YUM. then we watched cupcake wars and something about how to rennovate yer bathroom. hahaha
you know what angers me?
want to know why they anger me?
it's lame.
PS whoever changed the backround...i'm guessing torrey:) i like it. very much!
PPS i don't like it how all our posts are just getting cluttered on one page. we should put like a page for like those two first posts about us and then a page for random crap
So much fun:p
Thanks mackidoodles:) and yeah they will all be okay! im making a card and im going to have everyone sign it tomorrow and we are going to send it to scotty so he gets it on his birthday on wednesday! Today i hung out with the wold and kahle boys at the wave and then we had dinner and it was a blast:) xoox
Postitive thoughts!
Tor Tor, just be postitive! Just the notion that everything is going to be ok will make you feel so much better! seriously, just take a deep breath, everything is going to be fine, i promise. trust me...
Okay so i learned alot more about scott and i had nightmares last night and ive thrown up 3 times and i cry all the time. I dont know whats wrong with me, i mean i know im scared for him, but the story is so unreal i feel like im in a nightmare. And now im crying again. All of scotties little brothers are spending today and tonight with me at my house, and then switching out with the wolds too for the next couple weeks...or longer. I dont know if i should tell everyone this but here it goes. Just guys, for now, since the family doesnt really want everyone to know yet, please spare everyone else the details...including your parents because we dont want anything spreading. So ummmm they are all really hurt. The crash was super scary and gory and help didnt come for about 30 minutes after the crash happened. It was purely an accident. Scott was driving and he just got his permit friday. His dad and kevin duff were also in the car and all 3 got ejected. I now know all of the injuries and how the crash happened. But if you really want to know call me later or something. But it seriously is like something out of a movie...its so unreal. The good thing is that all are alive. Scott and Bill are doing okay, but kevin duff is doing really badly. Bill and Kevin had to be airlifted to Great Falls, and Scott took the ambulance. Luckily, my dad bought a little 4 seater private airplane for sharron and she left from whitefish and got to great falls in 35 minutes, right when scott arrived to the hospital which saved her from driving for 4 hours. Ashley Wold drove down for Sharrons support, and my mom may fly up to Great Falls from Kentucky. All 3 of the guys have to have surgery and will be down there for probably 2 weeks, and it will be a while til they can even be in a wheel chair. So during those couple weeks, the kahle boys will be at my house and the wolds house and they only know that there was an accident and everyone is going to be okay. Im going to go down and visit scotty around his birthday on the 13th. Doug Reed was also with the 3 guys, but in his own car, and he witnessed the crash. So Nikki Reed (our english teacher) also drove down there, so she may or may not be at school monday. Umm im sure scott wouldnt like anyone really texting him or anything to say they are sorry, knowing him, hes not the gushy type...but just keep him in our hearts and minds. Also, dont press any of the family for details, even though i know you guys wouldnt:) So thats what my weekend was like. I made varsity again in crosscountry, and i beat my best time by 36 seconds. After that i was on my way to henrys house to hang with him and tanner and hayden and stella, but half way there my dad got the call from sharron, and she said that bill, scott, and kevin had been found 5 minutes ago on the side of the road and they had had an accident and they were being airlifted to greatfalls from conrad. We turned right around and went and did everything to arrange and help sharron get over there and i was just there as her support, although after a while i couldnt handle all the stress anymore and i walked to mackies house. We then made cookies and had a wonderful time:p Then, however, i got a killer headache so i went home and went straight to sleep, while my dad took care of the kahle boys at the wold house. I slept til 11:30 pm and woke up with the phonecall telling me the injuries and all the details. Thats when i threw up. Then i talked to erin (she called me)about scott and told her all the details and after that i threw up again. Then i went back to sleep and my dad came home around 12:30 am from the wolds house and told me even more about what was going on right now. I then threw up again. I know, its gross. So thats why i spared you guys the details. Thats about it. Im so tired too! Yesterday was such a stressful day, changed just by one phonecall.
Mackie i think you should choose tanner. I mean, mozi is nice and super funny (and in our gym class) but he just isnt that great of a boyfriend. I guess erin went out with him, but they never lasted long, and anyway you would be way cute with tanner! I love tanner haha and hes super nice and super funny and he would probably be a really sweet boyfriend. Thats what i think:) And just to make you aware, mozi is short! That would be wierd. I mean if you really like him height shouldnt matter, but to help you decide between 2...men...i would say go with the tall non-pot head:p no offense to mozi.
Alrighty girls, ill talk to you later:) i love you all! and seriously you guys need to be posting more! Random stuff! i feel alone being the only one who posts all the time (mackie you do too). So xoxo torrey
Mackie i think you should choose tanner. I mean, mozi is nice and super funny (and in our gym class) but he just isnt that great of a boyfriend. I guess erin went out with him, but they never lasted long, and anyway you would be way cute with tanner! I love tanner haha and hes super nice and super funny and he would probably be a really sweet boyfriend. Thats what i think:) And just to make you aware, mozi is short! That would be wierd. I mean if you really like him height shouldnt matter, but to help you decide between 2...men...i would say go with the tall non-pot head:p no offense to mozi.
Alrighty girls, ill talk to you later:) i love you all! and seriously you guys need to be posting more! Random stuff! i feel alone being the only one who posts all the time (mackie you do too). So xoxo torrey
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Ok, 1. Tor tor, keep me posted on scotty. 2. I am having a freaking boy crisis! And since NO ONE will read this-right?- I will explain it right here right now. So.... I haven't really told anyone about ANY of this. So I will tell you now. So I kinda like tanner, and mozi. Yeah, I know, what a contrast. So tonight, Henry was gonna talkto tanner and see if he likes me, but then I was texting mozi, and he tells me that he likes me. Exact words:(after asking who I like and my replying that I didn't know but I had my eye on someone...) "yeah I feel the exact same way... Someone has been really standing out to me over the past few weeks. And I think it's pretty obvious that I am falling for you." To which I replied that I liked him too. Then Henry texts me and says that he talked to tanner and that he "thinks I'm awesome, and would date me". Ahhhhh! What do I do!?! I like both of them! Help, anybody, help!
Friday, October 8, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
I love lunch!
I miss sadie too mackidoodles! UGH I WANT YOUR CAMERA!!!! hahah you better take a picture of me on it! (cue the singing angels!) Ella you really should tell me who you like! PLEASE! Anyone but me getting super annoyed with erin???????? If you arent then maybe ive been in a bitchy mind mood lately but thats rare so someone help me! Henry(wow we are mentioning him alot) asked me about the blog today!!!! He wouldnt stop bugging me but dont worry I didnt tell him a thing...he says hes going to find it by googling it...good luck with that! Wow school sucks sometimes, especially when you do p.e. makeup work (piper and mackidoodles made it worthwhile...ish) and then miss your lunch which makes you extra hungry all day and then you stuff your face with food before crosscountry practice and then have a side ache the whole time!! However, today was a karma workout and i have amazing karma and barely had to run! (well 14 200's, but thats not bad compared to some other people). Omigosh 62 through 64 were supa hard on math and i stared at them for ever and then asked my dad for help and figured out how fricking simple they were! Hes a genius! I love him! Football game tomorrow night right?! Everyone better be going if there is!:p Babes i love you guys:)
~xoxo torrey<3
ps. Ella i would love to know...i dont tell secrets! i sound like a 4th grader saying that haha everyone here should know that our groupie is good at secrets:p Anyway, you should tell! And henry said he may tell me who he likes when he figures out if he really likes them enough that it will last. God my brain is bursting with excitement for both of you! Ellas the only lucky one in this world....she knows the answers to both the secrets i want to know! Also i just wanted to let you guys know im gonna have the best halloween outfit. I was going to be an avatar with soma you and henry said i should be too...but ill think about it! Idk what to wear to the halloween dance however!!! what are you guys gonna wear? Report back to me pumpkins:)
~xoxo torrey<3
ps. Ella i would love to know...i dont tell secrets! i sound like a 4th grader saying that haha everyone here should know that our groupie is good at secrets:p Anyway, you should tell! And henry said he may tell me who he likes when he figures out if he really likes them enough that it will last. God my brain is bursting with excitement for both of you! Ellas the only lucky one in this world....she knows the answers to both the secrets i want to know! Also i just wanted to let you guys know im gonna have the best halloween outfit. I was going to be an avatar with soma you and henry said i should be too...but ill think about it! Idk what to wear to the halloween dance however!!! what are you guys gonna wear? Report back to me pumpkins:)
Well the day started out just dandy. There wasn't much I was looking forward to...except for hanging out with my freaking AMAZING friends.
Don't you hate when someone/thing tries to be something it's definitely not? People like Whitefish for what it is...and they won't like it any more with tv's in the lunchroom. Is it just me or is that pointless? Mackie, I cannot wait to take some ridiculosly fantastic pictures with you with that ridiculosly fantastic camera. And Torrey. I feel for you! Cancer BLOWS. :( But hopefully he pulls through:) I feel like we should all meet him if he's as fantastic as you say!
School was OK. Henry made me a cd which I was thoroughly looking forward to listening to...and it doesn't work. of course it doesn't work. jeez. Mackie wore caroline's pants today...and i can assure you she won't be doing that again!! or maybe she will;-) haha that was fuuuunnnyy. and THEN (why is henry coming up in all our posts?) henry had the audacity to ask me who i like! he figured out...that smart little turd.
SOCCER! haha that was funn. we beat stillwater 6 too 0 it was greeaattt. I kinda sucked it up...
WELL dinner's ready! i have glee paused...i can't wait to watch it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~ella bella
Don't you hate when someone/thing tries to be something it's definitely not? People like Whitefish for what it is...and they won't like it any more with tv's in the lunchroom. Is it just me or is that pointless? Mackie, I cannot wait to take some ridiculosly fantastic pictures with you with that ridiculosly fantastic camera. And Torrey. I feel for you! Cancer BLOWS. :( But hopefully he pulls through:) I feel like we should all meet him if he's as fantastic as you say!
School was OK. Henry made me a cd which I was thoroughly looking forward to listening to...and it doesn't work. of course it doesn't work. jeez. Mackie wore caroline's pants today...and i can assure you she won't be doing that again!! or maybe she will;-) haha that was fuuuunnnyy. and THEN (why is henry coming up in all our posts?) henry had the audacity to ask me who i like! he figured out...that smart little turd.
SOCCER! haha that was funn. we beat stillwater 6 too 0 it was greeaattt. I kinda sucked it up...
WELL dinner's ready! i have glee paused...i can't wait to watch it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~ella bella
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Gossip, lies, revenge, and digital cameras!
Haha ok so none of that is very relevent(except for the camera!) and I just wanted to catch your eyes with that majestic title. So yeah I just purchased this freaking awesome camera. And I am pretty excited about it. It's coming on tuesday. And I will take it to Hawaii:) speaking of hawaii, keep up the act with Henry. I think it's funny. Haha he's so gullible silly boy:) also, Torrey, I have no idea who this "oddball flirter" is. And I would like to know. Now. Immediately.
Ok so who misses Sadie besides me!? Cuz I really do:( and I feel like no one else does. I don't miss Alexa at all though! Haha sorry but it's the truth. I am freaking out about the french test! Oh well I guess we will be fine.! Also....... Mr. Boyle just gets my goat. He makes me so stinking happy. Haha but seriously.
Anywho, tommorrow is a volleyball game and then I am going to make pizzas with Alex. Excitement:) also I have to do a pe makeup:( but torreywoodles is with me! Here we go! Haha gym is hard. Ok! Bye! I'll see you later! Alligator, in a while crocodile! Farewell! Bon voyage! So long! Toodloo! Avedasane goodbye! Tata! Ciao! Until next time. No really, bye. Ok seriously. Goodbye! Sheesh!
~Mack daddy:)
Ok so who misses Sadie besides me!? Cuz I really do:( and I feel like no one else does. I don't miss Alexa at all though! Haha sorry but it's the truth. I am freaking out about the french test! Oh well I guess we will be fine.! Also....... Mr. Boyle just gets my goat. He makes me so stinking happy. Haha but seriously.
Anywho, tommorrow is a volleyball game and then I am going to make pizzas with Alex. Excitement:) also I have to do a pe makeup:( but torreywoodles is with me! Here we go! Haha gym is hard. Ok! Bye! I'll see you later! Alligator, in a while crocodile! Farewell! Bon voyage! So long! Toodloo! Avedasane goodbye! Tata! Ciao! Until next time. No really, bye. Ok seriously. Goodbye! Sheesh!
~Mack daddy:)
The Grandpa You Never Had...And The One You Wish You Did + Blue Boots
Today was fun. I hate ex-boyfriends. They always tell your secrets. Especially to the guy who is secretly flirting with you but acts like your best friend even though you think its weird he flirts and wouldnt want him any more than a friend. Yeah, now that odd-ball-flirting-wanna-be-friend hates me. Actually is just really disappointed and that sucks! I dont like it when people are disappointed in me. But whatever, its totally gonna work out BECAUSE IMA GENIUS!!! I want new ugg boots! Mackie, i know, you are probably gonna be like "TORREY!!! You are so shallow! You dont need ugg boots!!!!!!" hahah and thats why i love you! I just WANT them. Light blue ones:) thats not a bad thing though! I probably wont get them anyway because...well....my parents arent THAT easy. So my grandpa is in Texas right now getting chemotherapy, and my dad is with him. I know! Its so sad! I love my grandpa! My grandma is a loonie(cute though) but my grandpa floats everyones boats! Yeah haha hes that cool. So i hope it all goes well:) Dont you hate when someones like in pain or suffering or something but you dont feel affected by it? Like im not sad or worried or anything right now for my grandpa. I mean i dont want him to die of course! But im not depressed or anything! And it makes me feel bad...but when hes gone(which he will never be) i will notice how much i miss him. Its exactly like the saying "You dont know what you got til its gone" even though i speak with the correct grammar. Right that seem, dont it?! Jkjk i dont actually talk like that. But still, my grandpas the bomb(the nuclear one!) and hes old and so funny so if he goes im gonna be sad:( Anyway, now that you guys understand how cool my grandpa was....lets move on. I dont really write about one topic...i feel like rambling about my day. Omigosh i need to watch glee! Here i come hulu! Bye guys haha have fun on homework!:p I only have math and french! Nifty!
~xoxo torrey<3
~xoxo torrey<3
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
4 day weeks make my life!
Gosh! Its tuesday(the first day of the school week) and im already pooped! Pooped.....that sounds wierd to say... Anyway, im as tired as ever and crosscountry practice didnt help one bit! It was like 5 miles overall and i never knew 5 miles could feel like 50. Dont try it. But running gave me alot of endorphins and now i feel happy haha because really ive been happy when im with people but when im alone i feel like sitting in the corner and eating iceberg lettuce alone and like crying....thats how i feel when im lonely. I guess after things with Koler ended im having mini-withdrawal and i even miss his late night texts that were always so sweet. I think its hard for alot of people at school to understand what Koler and i were like together, because no one really knew us outside of school. But just so if anyone that doesnt know me is reading this(very unlikely BUT LETS BE OPTIMISTIC!), we were really good for each other. Except for the fact hes a man whore (gonna say it straight out:p) and im the opposite(PRUDE-asaurus...a prude dino for you people who dont think fast), and that his friends are butt heads!!!!!Atleast to me. But i do miss him no matter who he was. Haha those who are in french with me, yes its akward but i really dont care. Akwardness doesnt bug me that much lately haha. So im really excited for this new blog! i hope we all carry through with it all 4 years of highschool:) that would be really cute...just like us! Till next time cuties;p
~xoxo torrey <3
ps. a lady bug landed on my arm today and i flipped out because i thought it was one of those creepy bugs that like eat you (aka. all bugs) but then i saw its redness(hah) and its little polka dots and i picked it up off the ground(where it had fell when i spazzed) and set it on a little green leaf. i hope it had food. it was so cute:) i probably sound like a 4 year old writing this but im kinda in one of those moods...ever feel like that? well i do!
~xoxo torrey <3
ps. a lady bug landed on my arm today and i flipped out because i thought it was one of those creepy bugs that like eat you (aka. all bugs) but then i saw its redness(hah) and its little polka dots and i picked it up off the ground(where it had fell when i spazzed) and set it on a little green leaf. i hope it had food. it was so cute:) i probably sound like a 4 year old writing this but im kinda in one of those moods...ever feel like that? well i do!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Our high school: at a glance
So our high school is a fairly normal one, nothing too exciting. but let me just give you a little background. To start, the teachers. The science teachers used to be married, but got divorced, but they still have a little thing for each other. which is beyond creepy. They are both pretty strange, and really disorganized. The gym/health teacher is super nice. (and all the guys think shes hot which is weird since she is like 25 years older than them.) The english teacher is nice, but she is very much in the wrong school. She should be teaching second grade. haha no, shes cool. but she does like cheesy little kid games. The math teacher is really weird. He randomly starts yelling about math (i.e. THE ACUTE TRIANGLES ARE CONGRUENT!!!), and he says what like "qwhat" which bugs me. haha The french teacher is really cool. I dont have anything bad to say about her, and the 21st century literacy teacher is really cool too. I dont have him, but Ive heard the history teacherr is really monotone. The orchestra teacher is amazing. She is super disorganized and always late which makes her class a breeze. The band teacher is really tough, so people dont like him because they cant pass his class, but hes actually a really nice guy. Our principle is cool, hes way better than the middle school principle who was extremely controlling, not to mention intimidating.
Then there are the "upperclassmen." Who look down on freshman so much its unbelievable. Well, not all of them. Some of them are nice, but the majority of them are just stupid, due to the fact that, especially the sophomores, think they are so much better than freshman, when three months ago, they were freshman themselves. I dont understand that. What gives them superiority? I dont think anything does. Are all high schools like that? Or is ours just full of stuck up kids who think they are better than anyone else? Could be. Also, our freshman class has closed campus this year. Which is not cool. All the other classes get open campus as long as their parents sign them off. Oh well, at least all the freshman have it, so we all just stick together. Looks like thats how this year is gonna be.
Then there are the "upperclassmen." Who look down on freshman so much its unbelievable. Well, not all of them. Some of them are nice, but the majority of them are just stupid, due to the fact that, especially the sophomores, think they are so much better than freshman, when three months ago, they were freshman themselves. I dont understand that. What gives them superiority? I dont think anything does. Are all high schools like that? Or is ours just full of stuck up kids who think they are better than anyone else? Could be. Also, our freshman class has closed campus this year. Which is not cool. All the other classes get open campus as long as their parents sign them off. Oh well, at least all the freshman have it, so we all just stick together. Looks like thats how this year is gonna be.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Homecoming Dance!
Oh just think...this time last night we were all completely absorbed in the crazy dance of 2010 Homecoming. Although only one of us had someone specific to go with, I think overall we managed to have a great time! It was hot and crammed and the music was absolutely blasting. What isn't there to love!?
In middle school, we had always all gotten ready together. But things were a little different this time around. There wasn't any last minute dress exchanging, nobody had a melt-down because of their outfit, and there wasn't a mom to curl our hair. We all just threw on a tank top and jeans and were ready to dance the night away!
Of course, when you first arrive, there's always that ten minutes when you just have to get over the akwardness that becomes apparent. A few of us who had gotten together before tried to avoid that by arriving 15 minutes after it started...but it still started like they always do. After that, your guard goes down, and you are from then on absorbed. I don't remember much, because it was the same thing for 3 hours. Dance, water break, find your way back into the moshpit, and repeat. There weren't any slow dances which was fine with me! They don't really accomplish much, especially when you have no one to slow dance with. When the final song played, I was sad. By the end everyone's having a great time...atleast I know we were!
Caroline Mackie and I went back to Mac's house and ate teriyaki rice bowls. It was quite enjoyable:) Caroline zonked out the second her head hit the pillow but Mackie and I stayed up till 3ish talking about...all sorts of stuff. We covered alot of ground now that I think about it!
The feeling is mutual between the five of us that homecoming was a blast. Not just the dance, but everything. Toga day, the football game even though we lost, the bonfire, it was a great kick off to a new journey. We're already a month into it, too.
In middle school, we had always all gotten ready together. But things were a little different this time around. There wasn't any last minute dress exchanging, nobody had a melt-down because of their outfit, and there wasn't a mom to curl our hair. We all just threw on a tank top and jeans and were ready to dance the night away!
Of course, when you first arrive, there's always that ten minutes when you just have to get over the akwardness that becomes apparent. A few of us who had gotten together before tried to avoid that by arriving 15 minutes after it started...but it still started like they always do. After that, your guard goes down, and you are from then on absorbed. I don't remember much, because it was the same thing for 3 hours. Dance, water break, find your way back into the moshpit, and repeat. There weren't any slow dances which was fine with me! They don't really accomplish much, especially when you have no one to slow dance with. When the final song played, I was sad. By the end everyone's having a great time...atleast I know we were!
Caroline Mackie and I went back to Mac's house and ate teriyaki rice bowls. It was quite enjoyable:) Caroline zonked out the second her head hit the pillow but Mackie and I stayed up till 3ish talking about...all sorts of stuff. We covered alot of ground now that I think about it!
The feeling is mutual between the five of us that homecoming was a blast. Not just the dance, but everything. Toga day, the football game even though we lost, the bonfire, it was a great kick off to a new journey. We're already a month into it, too.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
The girls
So this so called fantastic five consists of Ella(future aeropostale model and alluring trustworthy total BABE), caroline(perfect, athletic, soccor beast, and everybodys best friend), Torrey(bubbly, adorable, fashionista.. Haha don't deny it torreywoodles), marlow(energetic, amazing trackster, all around awesomeness), and Mackie(a ridiculosly stubborn yet undenyably lovable spazz).
So we will all hopefully be posting at one point or another, but probably not together very often... So join us, on a magical journey through the fantasy land called high school. (I know that is a very majestic statement.)
So we will all hopefully be posting at one point or another, but probably not together very often... So join us, on a magical journey through the fantasy land called high school. (I know that is a very majestic statement.)
A bit about us:
There had always been six. It seemed like there was nothing that would or could break us apart. Eighth grade year things changed. We added one and subtracted two. So now there are five; the fantastic five. The ones who survived the storm. Together we will survive highschool.
This blog will be our version of a not so private diary of our highschool years. The good the bad and everything inbetween.
This blog will be our version of a not so private diary of our highschool years. The good the bad and everything inbetween.
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