Day By Day

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Who knew a soccer banquet would make me cry?

Mackie. You were right, as you always are.   I shouldn't have gone.  I would still be in that ultimate happy zone if i hadn't gone.  Coach morrison, the most amazing hard ass but loved coach in the world, is leaving us.  After only two years, she is going to Utah.  She needs to be with her family... the exact reason was not explained.  I am so sad and ultimately at a complete crossroads.  She led the team to an almost victory and had so much more to teach us.  I am now confused.  Should i stick with soccer that i have put SO much blood sweat and tears (literately) into, or should i do something that has been in the back of my mind since the beginning of this summer...crosscountry?  The girls soccer team is going to have to find another coach, another jv coach and start all over.  Crosscountry has a 4 year streak...and ohh i don't know what to doo!!!!! FML
Caroline got rookie of the year! and she lettered:D but we can let her elaborate more on her next post:)  i got jv defense of the year...whoop. 
I just read those stay calm carry on spoofs and they made me laugh:) thanks torrey i truly did need that. 
Oh an another thing...i say GO FOR IT BABY!!! haha (about torrey liking henry) but he kind of already has gotten used to being friends with you but im sure he could change his opinions...

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