Day By Day

Monday, November 22, 2010


holy crap! creeper! my computer wouldnt let me go to when i clicked on it....and i was kinda scared to click on it....creepy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! people in germany have been viewing our blog! cool right!?!?!? anywho theres A DANCE!! OMIGOSH I MIGHT AS WELL DIE! I CANT WAIT.... lol i am so sick! if i eat anything other than veggies and fruit (very limited amount) then my tummy hurts so bad!!!!! gosh i miss henry and its been like only 3 days hahah i cant wait til wednesday! im going to salt lake for sure and we are staying at this super nice place  (my dad just felt like splurging i guess) and i cannot wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhh!!! hahah so yeah and lucas keeps texting me telling me to read the bible and like getting annoyed that i dont go to church and stuff....but then again being kinda flirting...and im not texting him back mosta the time... lol hes funny hah but yeah thats my life xoxo torrey

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