Day By Day

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Switch Flipper

ohhh caroline! whys marlow being your wing woman?!?! and marlow i like first period tooooo:p that movie was disturbing! Anywho church was fun fun fun and we bought food for 2 poor familys for thanksgiving and it was pretty cool:p oh and i found out i was pregnant...with an asian baby...wonder where that came from hint hint. Yeah so thats about it lol today was coolio and i was happy with report cards! Okay i have loadsa homework! xoxo t:)

ps. mackie im glad youre not mad at me anymore haha (ella she flipped the switch on me!!! coo coo woman! Joking mackie i love you...special xoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxox just for you)

pps. heres some kisses for the resta yall : xoxoxoxxxxxxxxx

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