Day By Day

Sunday, November 7, 2010

birthday girl?

So ive gotta say, today was quite a birthday. It was alot of fun and relaxing...but it also held its bad. At around 2pm my dad came upstairs and said i needed to come with him right away. When i asked whats wrong he said gemma had been ran over. (gemmas the cutest doggy in the world). I asked if she was okay and he just said "shes dead." Right when i heard the last word my stomach flipped. If any of you have ever had to go through this before, you know the feeling. So unexpected yet soooo horrible!! She was just a year old. So i ran down the driveway and she was laying there in the middle of the road with her eyes open looking adorable and i started crying so hard it hurt. Those sobs that you cant stop and cant breathe. It was just so unexpected. And i couldnt stop for hours. She just looked so cute and she was so young and was so good and was supposed to live with my mom forever. And then she was just laying the in road dead in a second. I was the only one who couldnt control my crying. When we started to burry her it started to rain...hard. Popcorn has already dealed with the death of our old dog, pearl, and he didnt eat for weeks.  Now i dont know what hes going to do:((( it kind of sucks. alot. 

So yeah after that i went up and did my homework and didnt think about it. My mom made a super yummy cake thats blueberry and lime and then i opened presents. I got an amazing antique painting, and whoever has seen my room recently, knows that it will totally look amazing in my room. I also got a cute shirt for riding, 2 pairs of shoes which i ordered this morning, the oakley ski outfit i wanted, a massage, and my moms taking me shopping in town sometime soon! Oh also, today she said she will order me a baby bird from online so that we get it when its super young so it grows up loving us and stuff:)) So that was fun and then we all watched kate and leopold which is such a cute movie! So yeah today wasnt good overall and wasnt bad overall, it was both. I love you all, and i love this blog:) xoxo                        t:)

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