Day By Day

Monday, November 22, 2010

three little birds

It's snowing. And snowing. And SNOWING!
This makes me happy.  Here's what also makes Ella happy: Singing.  Loudly.  In my room, blaring songs. 
Oh and one more thing~ 5 Day weekends. 
Last weekend was fun! Watched harry potter, then the next day spent 3 hours ( no joke ) at stumptown art studio painting this jumbo mug purple with zebra stripes.  ilove it! :P
In desperate need of a snow thinkin on the roof? how cool would that be!? Very. 
Im digging the new background:) Change is good.  Keepin things fresh!
I don't even know how to do that formatting stuff.
Just finished up my reflections paper...dont know how relevant it actually is to the prompt.
Got me some skis today:)  I really like them!
Semi-formal dance in Eleven days.
What does semi-formal attire look like?
Not sure....

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