Day By Day

Monday, November 15, 2010


dudes seriously!! majorly disappointing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO ONE FREAKING POSTS!!!!!!!! WE ARE GOING TO BE PROUD WHEN WE LOOK BACK AND READ THESE SO QUIT BEING SLACKERS! I DONT CARE IF YOU SAY ONE SENTENCE JUST SOMETHING FOR MY EYES TO READ!!!!!!! omigosh so harry potter comes out thursday at midnight and i was thinking it would be so fun to go to a midnight movie! But like no ones parents would let them go on a school night on thursday and it will probably be sold out so i was like BRAINBLAST what about friday at midnight!?!!?!?!?!???????!?!?!?!??!?!? AMAZING i know! So yeah i would love to have a huge movie party with a buncha people on friday (just tell everyone to come) but i dont know about midnight...i mean i want to but i dont know if anyone else does:p anywho yeah my lifes amazing haha not really.....its not bad but not good lol although henry does make me laugh alot lol and so do you guys hahha alrighty off to do math! xoxo t :o)  
ps. coolest face EVER! heres some animal pictures lol
Funny - Fun - Art - PhotoShop - Design

Funny - Fun - Art
Design - Fun - PhotoShop - Funny - Art
Fun - Funny - Art
and yeah this one below i just thought was disturbing and funny lol

Fun - Funny - Art

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