Day By Day

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


its been 23 hours since i last posted...and like 2 days since anyone else has!!!! GUYS this is your duty!! haha jokinggg but something worth posting about has got to be going on in your life!! My parents hate me. Seriously. My mom has a skewed image of me and when i do something wrong she holds grudges on me (any of you seen the Veggie Tales saying not to hold grudges? Its my favorite one) haha and then my dad listens to my mom about everything so hes always mad at me saying i need to learn how to deal with conflict, and my brother is just mean to me but my parents never notice and when i want to do something about it he tells them something bad about me(fake of course) and of course they believe him! It still makes me feel really bad because i feel like im such a problem child, but when theyre making me upset its hard to make them happy again. So yeah tonight my whole family is turned against me. No joke. Im isolated in my room! Despite of all that mess, i feel really happy right now. Wierd i know! im not exactly sure why but im listening to music and i just feel like smiling:)) I love all of yall. ive decided i dont want like a relationship with henry...ya know? i mean at the moment i just feel like something will happen someday...and i just want to keep us as we are or as we will be. That didnt make any sense but it did in my mind haha. i just dont want our relationship to be over-thought or be planned and have rules and restrictions. As you may have noticed, planned relationships are way to overrated for me and my life:p i just want things to be however we want them lol haha so as long as im in it thats how it will be...unless he persuades me otherwise:) so chica boos i love you guys and i hope i can go to church tomorrow even though i highly doubt either of my parents will let me:( haha its sad that when they take all my privileges away church is one of them lol so yeah ill see ya girlys tomorrow...i better go do math!! xoxo                      t:)
ps. lifes pretty school atleast:)))

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