Day By Day

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Hey. As the title already ensued. So, I don't really have much to talk about, my life is so boring it's becoming unbearable. I am so sick of this stupid school and it's only a fourth of the way through the year. Ughhh. I just wanna get the he'll out of this town already. Or more specifically, out of my parents house. Honestly, I would move out this instant if I had the chance. I'm soo bored. My life is soooo dull. Nothing exciting ever pans out. A few years ago, I had a dream, I don't remember what it was about specifically, but I remember one part of it so clearly. I was standing on a bridge with this old guy who was some combination of every person I have ever lost and Jesus. Ahaha I know what a picture. And this guy said to me, "mckenzie, if you're not growing, you're dying. And if you're growing, you're flying." and it stuck with me. And kinda became a life motto. And right now, I'm not growing at all, in any aspect of my life. So I'm dying. And I don't want to die, I want to fly. (cliche I know) so anyway, that's pretty much the extent of my existence at this point.
So yeah,

ps. I went to the doc, they took a buttload of my blood (again!) and diagnosed me with raynauds disease. Which is most likely the cause of all my crap. So yeah, it's a really long and boring scientific explanation that I will not torture you all with at this point. See you guys tomoro

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