Day By Day

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Posting maniac!

im not sure if henry likes me or not and im not sure if i even like him. actually henry and i talk alot(especially when crosscountry was still going on...but still alot now in our free time) and we both decided a while ago we dont know if we like each other or not. its like we love each other but it may just be brotherly sisterly best friend love. I dont know haha but someday something will it good or bad and we will know for sure hhaha. GOOD JOB ELLA AND CAROLINE! CAN I GETTA SSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTUUUUUUUUUDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!! so yeah ella crosscountry would be so fun with you! but i also know how you feel about feeling connected to soccer. I dont know man...but the good thing is you have a whole year to think about rush! So i called bill and sarah and they said they would work something out for me and decide since i dont have the book. Its all good:) Also, i dont have my phone because my mom is super crabby right now and took it from me. So yeah. ella, that soccer picture is sooo cute:) alrighty im sad i dont have my phone and im sad my dad didnt answer when i called him but im happy about life! hahah it all evens out. so instead of being happy or neutral. right smack in the middle!!! alrighty tighty i better go:) love yall and see you tomorrow! xoxo, t:)

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