Day By Day

Thursday, November 11, 2010

smells good:)

today was such a good day! 1st period was actually alot of fun as usual haha im starting to actually really like mr.carmichael!!!! Hes so nice hahah and he lets us talk out and have fun like all class period!! 2nd period i had gym and it was actually nice because it was short and the running didnt seem that bad at all...and i answered my jeopardy question right(it was supa easy). Thennnn i had english and it was G-reat! I picked out a cool book and i saw caroline in the library and we talked about how we always look for the books that are pink to read before any others:p lol megan told us its racist against the other colors of books but...hey you think i care?! nope not really:) and koler was like talking to someone that period like to the whole class or something idk but he was the only one talking haha and he was saying how he thinks he knocked some kids ribs out of place this morning and he was acting all cool and retarded and it made me resent him sooo much!!! so yeah. THEN I HAD SCIENCE! it was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo boring and all our class did was write notes because the other day we were behind and didnt have time to do i wrote fast i guess and everyone was way behind so i kept having to wait forever til she could scroll the page up to new notes!! ugghhhhhersss! hahah that class sucks butt. So then i went to math and the quiz was actually pretty easy...except some of them i didnt really understand what it wanted me to do...but now i have it ALLLL figured out:) After matherooni we had the assembly which was cool but boring and i just kept staring at mackie and henry and they didnt even know it til like the end hahah but the video had some sad pictures and it made me sad:( alsoooo i loved voche primo and i want to be in it sooooo bad!!!! sucks for me...haha although i will proudly be an orchestra member by 2nd semester:))) wink wink! Okay so after that 6th period was soooo fun!!! gosh french makes my life better hahah i dont really feel like explaining what happened because you guys already know from me and ella tellling you!! hahah and mackie was there she just didnt think it was funny (wow mack lol i stilll love you:p)! i thought it was hilarious!! lol ella we were laughing so hard! haha just a wierd class. then i had 21st century lit and it was fun:P levi convinced himself that i am now dating him because i helped him (mr.andersons orders) on his stupid excel car thingymicbob! so yeahhh hahah and then after school i was called stupid over enough times..but thats okay because i was happy and the people calling me stupid are some of my favorite people ever!!:)) xoxo for now chicaboos, t:)

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