Day By Day

Saturday, November 6, 2010

birthday eve:)

hahah thats hilarious! How did you figure out it said that? So today at 10AM i got a one and a half hour massage with David, my moms massage therapist:) it was amazing haah and i had alot of time to think. Then i went to breakfast at the buffalo with my mommy and brother and it was yummy hha i saw brennan there lol hes hilarious:p Then i went and rode my horsey and she was soooooooo good!!!! And now i just got home and took a shower and my dad just got back from california! I missed him so so much! So now im going to go watch all my recorded TV shows until 7 when i will hopefully go to the warren miller movie, with or without my dad...since theres also a freestyle team party tonight:) Ella your coming to the movie right? And erin said last night that mackie is too....macks is that true???!!!:)) Also scotts crazy uncle who wears purple everyday and has long hair with one dread lock in the front that he wont cut sent me a birthday present! His names doug and i love him:)) so so so much!! Seriously when he comes to town i always hang out with him and we have the best time because hes so funny!!! and hes a great hugger haha. So yeah he sent me this rock called "a poor mans spider web" and its supposed to give good luck and good cosmic energy:p Hes really into those types of things...but the rocks super pretty looking:) its like light blue with white and black squiggly lines all over it! And quinn sent me a card with a picture of us in it and a necklace thats super cute:)) Okay talk to you soon my dearys! I cant wait til tomorrow! My mom said she will take me shopping around town tomorrow afternoon too! yay! And if i look super happy and carefree monday thats because...a) the massage made me feel so light and AMAZING...b) i will have gotten a bunch of new crap...and c) well, i just love life (period).
xoxo chica boos,                                                 t:)

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