Day By Day

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Laugh it off baby:)

today was a good day:) i just hung out, made gingerbread cookies, built a lincoln log house, talked to henry, and watched the movie grownups(super funny movie by the way hahah)! So yeah thats pretty much it and im pretty tired so im gonna go to bed:)) hahah today my dads friend came over for dinner and they were talking about how greg (my dads friend) knew the owner of mrs.fields cookies company and he got hit by a car and died and greg was like "i guess his cookie crumbled" lol I LAUGHED FOREVER!!!!!!!!! i know it sounds stupid but it was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo funny!!! hahah alrighty tighty i love you guys xoxo and post sometime soon:) also i need to figure out my birthday invites list!! xoxo again, t:)
ps. i laughed so much today i swear i added many years to my life!

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