Day By Day

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Banquet babay

God ella you are so right! banquets are so fricking emotional!!!! ahh im going to miss all our seniors next year! Bill called every single person up and talked about each for atleast 5 minutes...and it was so sweet:) the video was also super amazing and super long and i have a copy which i am stoked about! ahhh gosh emotional! Way to rain on my parade! actually it was alot of fun:) So yeah, i lettered which im pretty happy about and i made it into the books as whitefish's10th fastest freshman ever which is cool too. IM SO STOKED FOR NEXT YEAR! so yeahhhh thats pretty much it considering ive already posted tonight 2 times in a ROW. lol. I still havent done math homework which sucks because it looks really long! i love you guys so so much! xoxo, t:)

heres some pictures because i feel lovey...ish:) =

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