Day By Day

Sunday, November 21, 2010

together we can;p

i just wrote my whole english paper on together we can! Its about a boxer who meets a girl who becomes the light of his life and then one day he does something stupid and she leaves him and he just dies inside and doesnt leave his house and so on. its cute but sad its just a draft anyway haha i feel so sick today but whatever! I saw harry potter and it was super good:) i loved when harry and hermione danced together haha oh and ron was so funny! and it was so sad when dobby died! also noah was there and hes so different i feel like! it was good seeing him thought haha alrighty tighty im gonna go do something productive because i feel so happy after finishing my story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxo pumpkins, torrey:)

ps. smile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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