Day By Day

Monday, November 1, 2010

halloween dance!!

ahh man what a dance it was.  it started out with demi making my day (and i'm pretty sure everybody else's) by being completely drunk and coming up  us in the bathroom and totally making a fool of herself.  Oh PLEASE brain...never forget that moment.
umm then ya know we were back to our akward 7th grade selves for like five minutes...and then we started to get into it. i danced with nathan who was a horrible dancer so i walked away after probably three minutes of terriblness.  shane stalked marlow theee entire time!! it was weird.  um we took lots and lots of water breaks cuz 1) it was insanely hot and 2)there were many times when we didn't like our dance partner. 
Umm after nathan came bailey for like three seconds. (i got pulled away which was fine)
and then madison apple? for .5milliseconds.  brielle saved me and pulled me away cuz he's weird!
then marlow and i were kind of away from where the freshman were and she danced with alex stevens to avoid shane and i danced with jose? im pretty sure that's what his name was haha can't quite remember...and it was so fun!!!! he was a goooood dancer;D
and then casey beiser for the rest of the time! wow i definitely wouldn't have been able to predict that combination. it was such a blast! <<haha you guys hate when i say 'blast' dont you.
im very glad i went. very very glad.
mackie we all missed you lots.  did you have fun with your halloween???!
i look forward to seeing all of your bright smiling faces tomorrow!!

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