Day By Day

Thursday, December 23, 2010


my post won't be nearly as exciting as mac's.  wah wah waahhhhh
but here goes...
yesterday was an EPIC day on the big.  magnificient conditions..sunny warm and pretty fast snow.
i enjoyed all this with caroline matthew piper and a little with torrey and henry:)
after skiing we ate a MOUNTAIN of NaChOs and all of us got ready to go to little fockers!
there were so many of us we took up a row plus 2! but there wasn't any action.  haha like no kissing or stuff. yaya there were some arms, but no lips. if that makes sense.
haha anywhoooo
it as a fricken weird movie.  but funny:) especially the penis needle scene.  WTF
following, i watched a butload of TLC and then just went to bed.
HOLY BAJESUS christmas is 2. YES 2.  2 Days away!!!
i am so very excited! :D :D :D :D :D :D
alright. well that's all folks!
X to the O to the X to the O to the XX to the OO

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