Day By Day

Friday, December 17, 2010


Hey budddieesss(: ITS CHRISTMAS BREAK DUDDDDDEEEEE!(: stoked? ummmmm.... uhhhh..... welll.... DUH!(: haha sooo basically were all gunna party. like really soon(: cuz i will not. i repeat WILL NOT be lonely over this break! im gunna need some major companionship! haaa.. so watching the girls play basketball kinda makes me wish i was playing.. not that i coulda helped them score 50 more points.. but still(: haha
uhhh glee was a rerun which actually really pisses me off.
erin is also under the category of "things marlow is pissed off at right now"
i just dont understannd why she must be so annoying? urgg. haha.. and uhh.. shes having an affair with shane. no big deal.. why cant she just be happy with who shes with?? she did that to me last year too! with noah ya remember?? haha i was piiiiisssed. ahaha oh well(: thats allllll over(:
elllaaaaa.. thats right i did win!(: stupid erin. haha and i just pokedyou back(:
haha i feel like torrey writing so much! im perty bored.. ohwell(:
i love yall(:
"gal palss"(:
Marlow feyy

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