Day By Day

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Mackie i'm so jealous! my my do you have an incredible way with words.  you needed this trip.  i hope you become completely relaxed and in vacation mode. 
---but not so relaxed that you forget to blog, because we miss you already!
So far, my break has been just lovely.
(saturday) I went christmas shopping, then went to secret garden the play (which was LONG but good) and then slept over at caroline's house.  she is sick.  and every time we started laughing she nearly died because she would start coughing so hard:(* GET BETTER!
(sunday) the mountain was sCrEaMiNg my name so i scooted on up to the Big!  at first it was me and brielle and then alexa came with us because she had newly discovered that her glacier friends she was hanging out with were all high as hell so she skied with us for thee rest of the day.  it was fun:? --that would be a confused smiley. becasue it was sortof akward.  bri and alexa don't mix very well.
torrey we went over to your condo but you weren't there. sadness and dissapointment!
i don't know if im going skiing tomorrowww....we'll see.
--keep the 22nd night open we're going to see little fockers !!

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