Day By Day

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Ewww! I have liked so much today! Including having to run off the stage during the orchestra concert(which I forced myself to go to because I didn't wanna fail) and puking! Wow. That sucked.
Ella that makes me so happy! Ur awesome.
Marlow: don't worry. We shall hug inappropriately again soon.
Torrey: I enjoy your bucket list very a lot.
Caroline: I just love you.
Also, Erin texted me this morning an was like can you come to school early so we can talk? I wa like no I have rehearsal. She's like ok but soon u just really wanna straighten things out?and I was like um sure?
But how do you straighten out her annoying the he'll outta me? Impossible. Whatever! Haha so I'm not sure if I'm gonna be at school tomoro, but if anyone wants to post or text me like all of today's homework it would be much appreciated!
ps. My grandma just sent me $150 bucks! Stoked:)

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