Day By Day

Friday, December 24, 2010

christmas eve!wee wee wee woo woo woo!

my my my! i seriously forgot about the blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAH ONE MORE DAY TIL XMAS! HAPPY XMAS EVE GUYS:P im getting ready to go celebrate tonight! im wearing my high neckline dress with patterned tights and a red belt with a little heart-ish buckle haha its pretty ummm fun? hehe soo me and ella tonight partying it up! What is everyone else doing tonight?????:) so yes i went skiing with ella piper and henry for like 1 run haha but then we went and ate those nachos (the monster ones) and ive gotta say i was pretty proud of myself after! wayyy:p haha also the movie was losta losta fun and im glad henry came! im also relieved there was no smooching (as ella explained ha thanks ella:p)! So today was amazing! i woke up at 8....went to the gym at 8:30....and stayed there til 10 when i went and had a hour and a half long massage! Oh and since im 14 now i am now the proud owner of a dark blue, shiny SWIPEY CARD(the ones with the barcodes ya know) haha best morning ever! then i made ice cream in one of those rolly balls with my little neighbor (shes 12 heheh) and we rolled it around by tying it to a string and attaching that to the back of our sled! genius, i gotta tell ya:p then we did some KNARLY sledding throughout whitefish hills! since that made us freezing we went inside, at a huge slice of coconut chocolate cake, and then helped our moms make tamales for christmas dinner tomorrow night!!!!!! we are having more than 20 people over AND WE ARE HAVING ALL MEXICAN FOOD! (nice mexican food....not like quesodillas and burritos...sad i know) hah but it all looks just yummy! as for presents im super stoked and theres lotsa and losta and im soooo excited! gonna be an early morning for me tomorrow! Alrighty i better split if im gonna make it to the party (im not dressed or anything yet!) alrighty love you all dearly and i hope everything goes as planned not just tomorrow BUT FOR THE REST OF YOUR LITTLE HUGE GIANT MINI CUTE LIVES:))) xoxo pumpkins (or should i say 'christmas tree shaped sugar cookies' heheheh) more kisses, torrey

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