Day By Day

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

pda? umm no thank YOU

so i just washed my dog!!!! woohoo! haha jk it wasnt that great but whatever! and mackie you arent missing much like study/schoolwork wise i dont think because i havent had much homework lately. but if you didnt already realize you need to make a bucket list for english then: you need to make a bucket list with 30 things on it for english:) and i think you can look online for math...and theres an online text book too! and then french theres like no homework so dont worry about that and are lucky you are missing gym because its hard!(even though i like it) but it will suck if ya have to make it up! but dont worry about that now! just get better baby:)) Gosh bekah and koler are SO FLIRTY! MAJOR PDA!(not just kissing but like holding hands, winking, sex in the hallways....) joking about that last one but whatever ha its not like its personal its just tooooooooooooooooooooooo mushy for my liking:p so yeah today was fun hehe and i got croissants today! we special ordered like 30 croissants (chocolate and plain) from Greskos(unbaked) and we will bake them friday morning!!!!! wooohooooo hehe and im debating whether to give pheebs her present tomorrow or friday.......any suggestions? okay i gotta jiffy! xoxo torrey love you all with all my heart (and all the bones in my body!)

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