Day By Day

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Failure and Success

how in the heck are we supposed to memorize allll the forms of these verbs for french?!  it frustrates me.
so i gave up after i got an A and and now listening to the Beatles on pandora, and then on to math.
but quickly--
mackie? did you and erin talk? im curious to hear what she had to say. and planned makeups just sound akward to me.
for the girls basketball games i watched...we lost.  i needed a calculator to figure out by how much. haha but im a bit mathematically challenged so ya.
 it was chill hangin out with sadie and alexa.  of course...she thought i was talking about her when i was whispering to sadie how annoying sean and koler were being. uhhhhh ok.
Torrey.  when you say don't ask, of course i'm gunna ask.  but i'll find out tomorrow i suppose.
the buche de noel is finished! and yummy:) and HOMEMADE!

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