Day By Day

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Hey! Whew I am soo tired! Haha i have about an hour to relax while my parents are at the grocery store, and then we are going to pai'ia which is the surf capital of hawaii. Yesterday was very exciting! I saw a man get his life saved, he got pulled out by the riptides while body surfing and he was about a mile off shore and a lifeguard SWAM the whole way out and got him. It was crazy. Then we started talking to this guy who had most likely had a bit of "Maui wowie" (slang for marijuana! Haha also, people yell that at me while we walk down the street? I don't get it? Are they referring to me as drugs? Haha) also, we went to this amazing blowhole which looked like a combination between old faithful, the British isles, a sci-fi movie, and dawn of the dinosaurs. Crazy and amazing. I feel like I have done nothing but eat this whole time. I am going to be gigantic when I get home. The sun is only out for a few minutes at a time which is dosappointing ao I'm not gonna get much of a tan but it is still upwards of eighty degrees:) going snorkeling later in the day then I don't know what else! Talk to you soon:)
love you long time,
ps. Guess who is here on the island?! She's famous. And blonde. And carries around a chihuahua. If you can guess you get a hundred awesome points.
Also, I heard word that Nathan Fillion from castle is here too! Eek!

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