Day By Day

Saturday, December 18, 2010

A week til xmas...right?

Happy Christmas Break! Oh well, im sick but i hope everyone else feels ahhhh mazing:) So today i didnt go skiing but im going to tomorrow so just stop by my condo if ya want! or im sure you will find me skiing around heheh my mom even said i may get my phone back tomorrow!!! i just watched the movie the bounty hunter and it was actually cute haha and then i watched the movie called like the hot chick or something and it was about how a theif and a super popular teenage girl switched bodys and it was so funny! but also super cheesy haha and i ate like half a tub of cookie dough ice cream and i am TOTALLY REGRETTING IT! ugh but hey whatever!!!! GOSH im so excited for christmaaaaaaasssssssss haha sorry to whoever is reading this its like super random....So i want everyone to keep me posted on ANYTHING that happens this break! kk? Because seriously what else do i have to obsess over? Gossip girl is gone. Americas next top model is gone. No good movies are EVER on. Henry is out of touch. School randomness is missing (good thing). Christmas is still like forever away. I have a cold.  I have no phone. AND I MISS MY FRIENDS! I cannot, CANNOT, wait to see y'all:) I seriously woke up at like 11 and then sat around, then took cold medicine, and then went to go riding. then i got home at like 2:30 and helped my mom get all ready for  bill foleys party tonight that shes going too....shes so wierd. but for once in like a week we actually got along:))) and i actually got her to wear a cute outfit hehe actually im jealous of my moms clothes! funny right? but shes pretty much the same size as me...well 1 size bigger in pants and like 1 size smaller in shoes but whatever hehe are you guys close to your moms sizes? Oh and im taller than alot ha i need to measure myself because its been awhile and i wonder how tall i actually am! Oh well moving on:) I was thinking the other night alot about henry, and the things he says. ive never really noticed it much til now, or given it much thought, but he says some of the sweetest, most positive, logical things ever:) its so cute! Like when i told him my whole crisis with my family loving my brother more and getting him way more presents (totally over it now hahah) he was like "well that just means you will get something even more meaningful in the future from your parents" thats so true! but its not just that, hes just so sweet about it! gosh i need to give that boy more appreciation...if thats even possible:p and you know how i said i had really no urge to kiss him...well i kinda do now, but in like a curious way i think. i mean what if it was like kissing my brother (very likely) or what if it like makes me realize how i actually really like him (even more than i do now! crazy right?!) but whatever someday i will figure out and for now im just  gonna let fate take me away:)!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehe fate. Alright well im lame....yep pretty much! i love you all! And just for good christmas spirit.....MERRY EARLY CHRISTMAS:)))) xoxo torrey bo borey banana fanna fo forrey me my mo morey torrey:))

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