Day By Day

Monday, December 6, 2010

good ole' Kempen

okay so what a great day!!!!!!! well for the most part:/ classes were easy (and im pretty confident about math...for now...because you never know how its gonna end out lol) anyway everything was pretty fun!!!! I just read chapter 5 for french and im so happy with myself for finally finishing it:) Ohhhhhhhhh and in english do you guys know how we are all like doing that little blog thing and when they asked if anyone blogs....did any of you raise your hand? i didnt and henry was like "lier!" hah but i didnt want to tell anyone..especially since simone was right in fronta me!!! And we all know simone feels left out really easily from us alot

So anyway, the only thing that ruined my day was henry. i bet you can all guess. Its not really the drinking part, its just that he lied to me and idk why but it actually really hurt my feelings:**( but then i went and rode and good ole' Kemp made me feel happy!! Shes just so cute! And like when she knows i have a carrot she puts her head like to the ceiling and looks down at me like "oohhhhhhh!" hahha its the best!:p

My dad is leaving tomorrow morning, and my mom is leaving wednesday at like noon!! So Mackie yes i will go to your house wednesday and thursday and then friday night i have to go home because my mom like promised Bryna and Nate i would help them set up for the barn party...sucky!! but whatever its better than nothing!!! Then my dad gets home saturday night and so onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn..... lol me excited!

Okay xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo chicaboo pumpkin pies:p! -torrey

ps. today when mackie and i were like hugging and sherpy and stuff were calling us lesbians, kendra was like "you two are like the least lesbian people in the school!".....explain to me how im less lesbian than anyone elseee.....hahahah xoxo

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