Day By Day

Monday, December 20, 2010

i bake:p

i baked loads of cookies today! and now im getting ready for a random cocktail party tonight (only adults) except for me and my brother of so tired and bored out of my mind!!!! i watched clueless twice today and it is still ranked as my favorite movie (by far!). So if any of you are skiing tomorrow (ella?), meet me up there! i will be up ALL day long and you know i hate hate hate skiing alone!!  Mackie that sounds ahhhhhhmazing! im jealous! (as is everyone else!) Also, tell me what time on the 22nd and i will be there!:p is that wednesday? What about thursday for a sledding party? report back:p Alrighty i better go help decorate the tree before everyone shows up! xoxo t:)

ps. i am in a dress and i just realized this (dont judge hehe): MY KNEES LIKE DONT STICK OUT AT ALL FROM MY LEGS....THEY ARE LIKE BEING CONSUMED BY MY LEG.....ewwwwwyyyy! i cannot believe how it! i dont understand:(

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